A quiet day planned:) Books and painting and sorting and maybe a bit of exercise but first I am settling in to watch Wall-E with daughter, I've never seen it.
The fire is under control and almost out thanks to the rain. I think 8 homes were lost completely and 7 damaged. What a terrible and sudden event that was.
Thanks for all your '"ant" suggestions. I am going to try the cinnamon first and then move on to the others if that does not work.
Last night I went to see Earth with my daughter. It was wonderful. Seeing our beautiful planet in all it's fragility and spectacular complicated rhythms, makes me want to try harder to do my bit in keeping it healthy. There were parts I could not watch. I had my eyes closed and was silently lalalaaing.....I know it is all part of the reality of wild creatures and life in the outdoor world, but still hard to watch. Not the killing for food, but the unfortunate ends of some of the animals :(
Sun looks like it is trying to peep out.
Did you like Wall-E? I found it beautiful. Peacefully Poignant.
...what a nice day! i had a ladies mad hatter tea and yes you had to wear a hat which i most eagerly obliged. unfortunately, i forgot my camera which really was a shame as it was an alice in wonderland theme and decorated so beautifully. anyway, i ate girly food which was a nice change from all the testosterone stuff around my house and they gave out the recipes too. take care and enjoy the rest of your day! did you like wall-e? my joey did not take much liking to it... i've yet to see it. xo, mickey
Oh Wall-E is just gorgeous! I LOVE that movie. I love him!
Earth sounds lovely too...right up my alley.
Did you see March of the Penguins? Awesome.
Enjoy your weekend Shelagh.
I hate hearing the fire has taken yet more homes. I remember taking my granddaughter to see Wall-E in the movie theater. She loves it, I loved it, wonderful movie!!
Oh, I wanted to see EARTH but it has not come to my town...so, it's a bit on the sad side...maybe I'll wait for it to come out on DVD
You've talked me into see Wall-E...
Sorry to hear about those fires...
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