This was taken peeping into the window of one the houses in last year's garden tour. It is upon us again this weekend. I really want to go but have a busy few days ahead. It is a charity fundraiser, private houses open their gardens for viewing and some of them are wonderful! Sunday will be the day for that. Always very inspiring!
I am registered for a QiGong workshop starting this evening and running all day tomorrow. A bit nervous as it is a last minute thing and a big commitment in time and focus but I think it will be worth it. It is an Eastern energy system, sort of like Tai Chi. My friend Mary is going and thought I might enjoy it.
This weekend is also the Greek Festival! Opa!! Have to try to squeeze it in somehow. Not looking good though. Maybe some souvlaki for Sunday supper?
My letter festival closes on Sunday night. I am thrilled with the response! 62 writers at this point. I have my work cut out for me, but that is what I wanted:)
"Letter Revival Festival" (until Sunday, June 14) If you like receiving interesting mail and don't mind sending a letter ...this is for you! Click on the banner to learn more:)

Hi, Shelagh! Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! QiGong, gardens, and Greek food! Yum! :-)
The Sunday tour sounds like it will be full of beauty. Have a wonderfully busy weekend. xo
Sounds like an awesome weekend for you. I'll be working on aprons. I have to get as much stuff done as I can before vacation. I would love to get outside and enjoy the nice weather...it's been so awful lately. Maybe a nice little bike ride would be in order.
Have an awesome one Shelagh!
...my sweet friend, when don't you have a busy weekend?! have fun! xo, mickey
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