Garden Cats original now available now on eBay
Just a quick hi today:) Did this little painting yesterday. It looks dark here, hmm, the real thing is brighter, maybe it is just my monitor. I have a gorgeous old rocking chair that my mom found at a flea market full of bumps and curlicues that I can hardly wait to start painting. There are a bazillion projects I have lined up to be done and sometimes I have a hard time deciding what to do first:) Too many choices is not always a good thing!
Oh how I love it when you incorporate cats into your paintings. It looks bright and beautiful on my monitor. Do show us before and after pics of the rocking chair, please, please.
Very sweet! I so love how happy and bright your beautiful paintings always are. :)
I have a chair at home myself that I'm am itching to recover and paint. Can't wait to see what I can make of it! Make sure to post before and after pics when you get to yours!
It's brilliant on my screen--really cheerful. I hope you'll post a picture of the chair when you're done.
I love this one! They look so happy :)
Thank you so much for following my blog...please come and visit I am having a big sale on my art prints...see you there!
This is fabulous, your photos and paintings are wonderful.
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