It's that season! Apples are appearing everywhere.
Gosh, last day of September already, that was a FAST month! My tomatoes are all getting overripe on the vine. I have so many tomatoes inside that I am trying to leave the ones outside unpicked. Thinking I should try to make some sauce with them and freeze it. Canning, as much as I want to try it, scares me. I'm afraid of not doing it right and poisoning all who partake!
Speaking of partaking...I am having a wee giveaway. Sign up for my "ShelaghDuffett.Art fan page on Facebook" and you will be entered in a draw for one of my cookbooks and a surprise goodie:) If you are already a member, leave a comment under the post in Facebook regarding this draw and I will enter you:) If you would like to post about it on your blog, I'll enter your name twice but you must let me know so I can do that. My "fan" page is mainly about my art and I will post there about special sales, goings on in my art world etc:) Oh yes, the draw closes midnight October 6.