These were taken in the Annapolis Valley. I love the country stalls this time of year, bursting with produce and the bounty of summer:) I want to buy armloads of food and make jam and preserves and fill my larder for the coming winter. The only catch is that I am not a jam or preserve maker:)

Pickled nails anyone?


Dulse! Local seaweed:) Small snack bags. An unusual but healthy treat. I have to say I've never been partial to it but lots of people are.
Ok, so I took a break from the Rap Ditty contest, decided it was ridiculous and unfair to so many of the participants. I even wrote a letter to the minister of Tourism (did not get an answer). I thought why bother with such a poorly run contest and then........and then.......... my silly work ethic/ competitive drive/ angry kid/ not a quitter/don't stop what you start/ miracles might happen/ you're in it now!/ influences kicked in and I could not just give up after all. Sheesh. Ack. No matter what happens at least I know I gave it my best shot.
They've rewritten the voting page now and are encouraging people to vote more than once for their video. Close browser and vote again. The video doesn't matter. The votes do. I could have put up a picture of an old boot! Sigh. The person with the most time on their hands to vote over and over again wins!
RAP DITTY NOVA SCOTIA scroll down to find it, it is about 20 down... Thanks.:)
EDITED: I have decided to let it go. My time is worth more and it was making me crazy trying to swim upstream.
I love the Valley, that's where I grew up. I love going back to visit at this time of the year.
oooh... it looks so lush!
looks like a fantastic market - beautiful shots
beautiful shots ... ahhh, I could eat them now - pickled nails?! I'm off to vote for Rap Ditty ... raaa to you to keep going! you are NOT a quitter!!!!!!!! and yours is by far the best ;-)
Yum, look at all that beautiful bounty! I don't can either. It can be a predicament, what to do with all that glorious food. I do love dulse! It is high in protein and minerals. Delicious snack with cashews for an idea.
Yeah, tried dulse, can't say I'm a convert. Pickled nails, on the other hand.....!
Thanks for admitting you aren't a canner/preserver... i'm sooooo not either... which makes me kinda feel sooo unaccomplished.. i do enjoy the appeal of these beauty-full jarred/canned wonders and always appreciate when friends give me something in a jar... but I'm so not there (yet? she says hopefully)... thankfully we have a fab array of Farmer's Markets here in Nova Scotia and talent abounds for jarring/canning.
Sorry about the rap ditty contest Shelagh. I did vote for you quite a few times. So often these things are popularity contests and not a reflection on good work.
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