Her name is Emily Forrest and I just met her today. She might not like this picture but I love it:)
She is taking on the province of Nova Scotia step by step! This summer she plans on walking the coastline of Nova Scotia, all 2995 kms of it and visiting about 80 communities. Starting day is May 13th. You can read about it on her
facebook page and become a fan. Last year she walked around Prince Edward Island.

Her goals are many...
To inspire Nova Scotians to form walking groups and journey to better health and well-being.
To encourage Nova Scotians to explore and enjoy new places to walk in their communities.
To prompt people to keep track of their walks and log their steps at www.walkaboutns.ca.
To promote Heart & Stroke Walkabout for the Heart & Stroke Foundation.
To raise awareness of Brigadoon, a year-round facility being built in Nova Scotia for children and youth living with a chronic illness.

A friend of mine happened to bring Emily's facebook page to my attention and I noticed that her training walk today would bring her almost to my door and as luck would have it the timing was perfect, so I grabbed my camera and headed out the door just in time to catch her. We walked for a bit and had a great chat. She was walking from the Spring Garden Library to the Chickenburger in Bedford and back for today's training! During her walkabout she hopes to do about 40 km a day.

For those of you
around the province who might be interested in hosting Emily for a night, you can contact her at
Forrest Walkabout. Here are
her maps and dates for the entire walkabout. can also find Emily on twitter
@forrestwalk Off she goes headed to Bedford!