2.5 boxes of kleenex
4 extra strength tylenol ( I really try to hold off on painkillers)
20+ cups of hot lemon and honey and garlic and variations of...
15 zinc lozenges
Lots of ColdFX
.5 bottle of Thai chili sauce used on everything I ate
1 burnt nightdress ( to be continued)
1 set of very rumpled sheets
Nothing accomplished at all
Occasional net surfing
4 books later.........still sick
I AM getting better but sheesh. This cold has knocked me for a loop. Now I am at the coughing nonstop phase. Any cough drops you highly recommend?
Picture above is JohnWDoull's bookstore in Halifax. Click and read, it is a charming into.
I am so sorry to hear you are still sick! Keep resting. I have had great luck with astragalus for getting better, as long as you don't have asthma issues. BTW, I really love that bookstore too. Hope you are feeling better my friend, wish I could do more!
Hi Shelagh,Hopefully that burnt nightdress isn't the after effects of your hot thai sauce!:)
I swear by Hall's black cherry mentholyptus (sugar-free). Also Benelyn's cough syrup. Hope you're better soon!
Buckley's cough syrup!!
Sorry that you are sick! Hang in there...
I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.
Good grief! Rest is the real cure, but in my family we have another miracle cure: boiled custard. It's milk, eggs and some sugar, cooked til thick. Drink warm and it's like a magical protein shake that boosts your strength immediately. Feel better soon.
Fisherman's Friend! Sorry you're sick!
Oh you poor thing. My cold keeps coming back. I don't know if you can find fisherman's friend lozenges, but it really stifles the cough long enough to fall asleep. Get well soon.
Thanks everybody! I am feeling so much better this evening. Wow. It is like I had a storm in my body that has just made it's way out.What an intense cold that was. Nice to gather everybody's recommendations, good to know what works for people.
Colds suck. Yuck. You poor thing, I hope you're feeling better. That picture is amazingly awesome by the way!! :)
Oh my goodness Shelagh that is awful. I do hope you are on the mend soon!
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