Lately I have been wanting to sit down and write a lovely long lyrical post. These days I feel as though I have been popping in here and dashing off a quick note then rushing off again. Even now, I can feel deadlines looming, work is waiting, hurry, hurry, have to get THAT done, don't forget THIS, and what about THOSE? Realistically, there will always be things to be done and it is just a matter of carving out time and making a doable schedule and prioritizing. Right? Right.
This is a beach on the Northumberland Shore of Nova Scotia. If you look closely, those tiny specks of black in the middle of the water under the clouds are people! They are standing on a sand bar. It had been stormy and had rained all that day. I remember the sun popped out just after supper and created a most magical seascape. I want to get out and explore my province this summer. So often I take it for granted living here. It is a gorgeous place.

That's our favourite spot to vacation. Our first time there the tide started to go out & we realized we could walk out at least 500 feet. There was so much to explore in the pools left behind. Wonderful warm waters & memoreis. Thanks for the reminder :) Love the photos.
Beautiful pictures - I've heard lovely things about this area but don't think I've actually visited there as an adult. Crazy me! Now I, too, am inspired to get out more. Yes, you read that right - I NEED TO GET OUT MORE!!
That's one of my favorite spots too (if it's where I think it is). And beach walking is one of my favorite things to do. Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely gorgeous photos!
It looks like heaven.
Absolutely beautiful, this is the side of Nova Scotia I do love. How amazing those are people in the water?
I have yet to have my cupcakes, patiently waiting for my husband to come home. Thank you so much for a fabulous day out, good luck with the art show, really wish I could be there. Can't wait to get together soon!
What cool photos. Did you take them? I have good ideas for photos that don't materialize into anything other than snapshots!
Looking forward to the movie tomorrow night! Again, thank you.
Looks like such a neat place, beautiful pictures.
Hi Shelagh!
I remember this lovely photo ... it is so magical!
I know how you feel ...I thought my life would slow down a little in Spring but I seem to be busier than ever. As long as we are healthy and happy we are ahead!
Beautiful photos.. almost painting like. I love how the horizon line blends into the sky.
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