It's Friday! How did that happen? It has been a busy week and lots of things on the go:)
There's a great site I pop into every now and the called the Unclutterer , dedicated to making your life more organized. Good for people like me who are constantly surrounded by clutter of my own making and always in the midst of making it go away! This is a list of ten things that Sherri Kruger compiled for a guest post over there. Good list I think, worth saving. That's why it is posted here:)
- Reset your home each evening. This doesn’t have to take long, but it’s really effective. Spend 5 or 10 minutes on a quick run-through of your home. Straighten books and knickknacks, return dishes to the kitchen, and hang up jackets. Don’t strive for perfection, this is just a quick pick up.
- Never leave a room empty handed. Look around you. Are there things that don’t belong? When you leave the room, for whatever reason, be sure to grab a glass and return it to the kitchen, or whatever the case may be.
- When you’re done with something, put it away. Right away. Clutter arises when we take something out, use it for awhile and neglect to return it to its proper home. Remember the Unclutterer’s gospel, “A place for everything, and everything in its place.”
- Hit the laundry basket. Every time. It may seem easier to simply let your clothes fall where they may, but this only creates clutter. Take 30 seconds to hang up your clothes or put them in the laundry basket. Erin recommends getting ready for bed an hour before you plan so you’re not exhausted when handling your clothes.
- Take out the garbage. Perhaps garbage day occurs only once a week, but emptying the garbage nightly, even if not entirely full, is a great habit start. Over-flowing bins are not attractive.
- Vacuum or sweep everyday. Ensure everything is up off the floor. Essentially, you’re doing a nightly reset during the day making it even easier to keep on top of clutter.
- Clear out your e-mail inbox. Hundreds of e-mail messages in your inbox can be incredibly overwhelming. Take time at the end of each day to clear out your inbox. When you come back in the morning, it’ll be a lot less daunting.
- Cut out the non-essentials. Re-evaluate the necessity of your involvement in groups, clubs, committees or boards. Limit yourself to participating in things that are important to you and make you happy.
- Do just one thing each day. Pick a drawer, closet, or shelf that’s driving you nuts. Focus on doing one little thing to move yourself closer to the clutter free state you’re Seeking. Ask yourself: Is this really important? Can I get this again relatively easily?
- One thing out everyday. Walk through your home with a critical eye. Look for one thing you don’t need, use, or want. Keep a couple of boxes by the garage or front door for temporary storage.
Ooh and thanks to those of you signing up for the Sensational Snap Society! It is going to be fun. I am so looking forward to it:)
Those are super decluttering tips! My parents drilled #3 into me when I was a kid and it has made all the difference in the world. In addition to nipping clutter in the bud, it also means you can always find the item the next time you look for it. It will be exactly where it should be! Saves an inordinate amount of time and irritation.
This is a great list, and I'm off to check out that site! I definitely need to get more organized!
Love those tips...
One of the things I try to do - is never go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink...
I hope that you will offer your class again down the road...I would love to take it - but, things are looking like surgery is in the forecast...and I would not be able to do the class justice...
dishes. have to wash the dishes before bed. have to.
dishes. have to wash the dishes before bed. have to.
silly machine. now i've said it twice.
Thanks Shelagh. I added a link to this post on my site so I'll have easy access to it - you know, so I can check back down the road and see how much I've grown.
Yeah, right. I'm cluttered by nature!
Awesome post, and just when I was at my wit's end trying to get a hold of the clutter at my own home. Thank you!
I'm going to look at that site now, thank you. Great list too - if a bit shaming! The one thing I do before going upstairs to bed at night is to straighten out the sitting room, plump up the cushions, etc - it means I have one room to come down to in the morning that doesn't fill me with despair!
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