I love this picture and I love this shade of blue and this time of night:) I was headed home recently and shot this through the car window. Yes, I was stopped.
It reminds me of one of my favourite artists, Maxwell Parish He used this colour so often it became known as parrish blue. I have a very large book full of his illustrations called The Early Years that I bought at a Boxing Day sale when I was nineteen and it was half price. I was so taken with his art that I had to have it:) I see it is quite valuable now. His work still thrills me.
Oh that blue is so so lovely. I'll have to see if our library has that book. Thank you for sharing :)
What a gorgeous shade of blue!
It's very similar to my favorite blue, cobalt. I especially like it in glass.
that blue would make me stop and want to write about it :-) just lovely!
Beautiful! It actually reminds me of the colour blue you painted the sky in "Girl in Green" and "Boy and his Dog.
I know who Maxwell Parrish is! He is quite famous here in New Hampshire - and the Cornish Artists Colony. Love that shade of blue...
...what a gorgeous shade of blue...very deep and royal. i used a similar shade of blue in a design that featured pearls with recycled blue glass from Ghana...xo, mickey
That is so beautiful Shelagh!
One of my favorite museum installations ever was a retrospective of Maxfield Parrish, in San Diego. It had his early illustrations, his "girls on rocks" phase, a huge mural, all of the Edison Mazda Lamp illustrations and his later landscapes. It was breaktaking.
And you're right, that is Parrish blue!
I love Maxwell Parris. My fav painting is Daybreak!!
That is a beautiful colour of blue. I had no idea that a particular blue was named after Parrish. I learned something new here today. Thank you.
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