A few weeks ago I received an email from a teacher at Asa Adams School in Orono, Maine asking if she could use some of my art as a teaching tool for her kindergarten class. Of course I said yes! This is the blackboard with the examples she wanted to use and a picture of me. ( Ack, it is my "before" pic...I am still on my fitness program, slowly but surely) ......anyway........I digress......
They studied my series of baby animals and their mothers. The kids learned about me, folk art, Nova Scotia ,which is very close to Maine, and how I used color/texture/overlapping in my paintings. They looked at "Baby Chick and Mom" specifically.
After working on their paintings for the last two weeks, Kendra their teacher, sent me these pictures today. They just put the biggest smile on my face after the trying day I had struggling with my own painting.
Don't you just LOVE them!! Well done!
Cheep cheep!
What a nice lesson the teacher developed! The children did a wonderful job for their age. Very cool!
This put the hugest smile on my face too!! Awwww!!!! I love it.
How fun to see what the little hands created from the lesson.
Oh Shelagh this is a fabulous blog post! The kids are going to love this. They had so much fun making their paintings and learned a lot in the process. One of the little boys wanted to know if we could make the "mama and baby zebra" picture, too, haha! They are talented kindergarten students, it's amazing what they can accomplish if we break tasks into small increments.
And they very much liked your picture, we told them you are a very energetic and cheery artist (our kind of art lady!).
Again, thank you for letting me use your work in class. I love when classrooms can connect with artists, it makes it meaningful. :)
Kudos to the teacher for going above and beyond and providing a great art lesson in exploration and fun. Shelagh, congratulations on being "copied".
This is wonderful, and oh so funny to me! I too have used your beautiful artwork with its strong lines and colors as a guide to help me start drawing/sketching. I have such a tentative hand when it comes to drawing. I even tried to draw one of your birds, but nothing I did was even close to the work these kindergartners accomplished!
I DO love them! They are adorable! It's great that your artwork was used as a teaching tool and as inspiration for young art students!
Bee YOOTY full!
WOW!! This is awesome! The kids pictures are just precious! Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks everybody! Yes it was an inspiring adventure for sure:)
this is so awesome and i love every part of it--your work, your willingness to share, the teacher's willingness to reach out and the kids just having a blast! thanks for sharing and now i'll be smiling all day!
Hi, Shelagh! How cool! Totally wonderful and delightful! Lucky you! :-)
Shelagh! How flattering is that? I loved seeing their interpretations of your artwork. You're probably still wearing a smile. I know I would be.
Yellow Spring Bitty Birds, I love them!
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