December view, me!! Reading glasses, needing a dye job and no makeup:)
I never post pictures of myself but for some whacky reason decided to say hi today!
I am in a conundrum with the hair colour thing. Everyone I know dyes their hair. No one knows what their real hair colour looks like anymore. I thought I would let the dye fade to see what's under there. Ouch. Grey and lots of it. So what is it about grey and why are we so conflicted about letting it show? I will probably open a bottle soon and do it again but it is such a stinky process and a big bother. I am also always nervous because the boxes are slathered with dire warnings about sudden allergic reactions causing death and chemical mishaps:(
Gosh, I am annoyed. For some reason, the DONATE button I had put on my post about 3 cups of tea was not working and people weren't being sent to where they were supposed to. Thanks Kathy for letting me know. It is now fixed and I have had donations since. I am sorry. If you wanted to participate before and couldn't , fill your boots:) I am posting it here for easy access. Remember, I am going to draw a name from those who have participated and give away a print or photograph of their choice as a way of saying thanks from me:) Probably around December 15
Thanks for helping the children of Asia this December:)
Isn't it weird that we don't know what we really look like? For the longest time I never wore makeup or dyed my hair but as I am aging, I want that vitality of colour now.
That said, I think you look amazing as you are! Wow! I love that picture of you.
I think I will hibernate for a while and it's wonderful knowing I have such amazing blogger friends who support me so well, just like you do.
You're beautiful! So nice to see you.
Made my donation this morning for peace and education. This is a great story and a great man. Thanks for reminding me. I am enjoying your blog so much.
I also have the funky rhinestone glasses.
Want to write more, but have to take Mom for a check-up!
Ronnie - in a small town in Georgia
You don't need hair dye or makeup- you're beautiful without either!
(here via december views!)
You're beautiful! I love the grey! I know it's a hard decision, but hey, no more roots? Imagine that! Never having to worry about roots. That's what I love the most. Plus not having it dry out my hair, plus not having that horrible smell of dye poison my system. I am one year free of hair dye. Keep going with it!
I vote for the grey. I don't dye my hair and the grey has opened a lot of interesting options with scarves to accompany my black clothing. I was tempted toward color for a moment early on, but the stylist said my hair was too short to dye. The gray softens the notice of what's happening to our faces a bit, I think, whereas a strong color contrast makes any lines more apparent. Well, that's on others. I, of course, have no lines at all...
Your bidding is my command,
Queen of the North.
It is done.
SHELAGH!!!!!!!! It's YOU! So nice to put a face to the name...FINALLY!!! (after all of these years!!!)
I will be back soon to really look through your blog!
xoxox Jes
Beautiful portrait (and lady)!
Thanks everyone! Such a dilemma the grey THING:)
Well, I think you are a beautiful. Aging should be worn like a badge of honor. It's not something to fear and cower from! Grey hair looks beautiful on some people, and you are one of them.
Hi Shelagh!
You look adorable!
I have my grey hair colored a light brown but when I hit my
6o's I think I'll let it go natural.
I'm pretty pale and have very light eyebrows and eyelashes so I looked washed out without makeup, but I don't wear it all the time but I don't let a photo be taken of myself without it.
gosh, you look fabulous!!
you know, i always dyed my hair up until a few years ago when i discovered a couple of shiny silver strands, so i grew out my colour in utter excitement. i always thought that once i started going grey i would let it out because i think it looks so beautiful and so elegant. yours looks fabulous i think!!
much to my disappointment, i still only have those same couple of silver hairs. sigh. it may be a while for me but i am looking forward to each and every one of them and yes, i am a bit of a freak i think ;-)
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