Some Monty love:) That little mouth gets me every time.
Those who don't like cats are rolling their eyes now:))
Still ill.
Here are some festive cooking links from my faves Jamie and Nigella.
Jamie's Christmas Special part 1 the rest of the show links are on the right side of the page
Christmas Rocky Road 5.49 min
Cranberry Orange Pudding 5.25 min
Holiday Hot Cake with Eggnog Cream 5.09 yum! looks amazing.
Ginger Glazed Ham 3.13
December Views
UPDATE: I had to rush Monty to the vet. He's there now:( I noticed that he was straining and could not empty his bladder. When I called they said bring him immediately. They will put him under and empty it and look for obstructions, inflammation etc. They sew in a catheter and put him on IV fluids for 24 hours. We will have to take him to the emergency hospital overnight so they can watch him. I was feeling so terrible today, I was blubbering in the vets office and apologizing and saying if I wasn't so sick I would be a bit more resiliant. There's always something...... I am grateful that the Vet is close by and he is in good hands.
Mornin' Shelagh-
Wishing you a feel better day and for your cold to end soon! Monty is beautiful-I love kitties best of all-they're my favorite pets! Dogs are nice too, but kitties are my love.
Your print is in the mail too-the post office said 7-10 days.
Feel better!
And "A Wonderful Life" it shall be. I'd go to the video store right now but for a BIG snowstorm just beginning. I will make it to the nail salon, but that's it for today.
I'll keep you up-dated on my movie watching.
~hippo hugs~
That is a sweet little face. Get well soon!
Oh my goodness! You poor things. I hope everything goes well for your gorgeous kitty, and I hope you get well very soon.
oh poor thing hope he gets alright soon!
Hope you feel better and the kitty too. I'll keep you both in my thoughts.
Even a dog person like me melts at the little face in your photo. So adorable! May you both bounce back quickly!
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