Monty is home!!! He' was at the Vet and the Emergency Animal Hospital for 43 hours. Poor wee thing. I am feeling much better too, hooray! That was a nasty bug I caught but worrying about the cat probably didn't help.
I was tagged in a Flickr game, 16 random things about me. I don't often do those but being tired and restless at the same time, it seemed like a good way to pass some time last night. It's hard thinking up things. I must say that I do enjoy reading other people's random facts. Must be the voyeur in me. Join in if you have a Flickr account, leave me a comment there so I'll know where to find your list! Some folk are doing Holiday related ones.
In other news.... Here's a local news story about Derek Hatfield and the race he is in. What a grueling adventure..He's the only Canadian in the Vendee Globe Round the World solo yacht race. A difficult zoom around the globe. In France, mariners are treated like rock stars! He happens to be from Nova Scotia. This is his personal website, Spirit of Canada He had some bad luck earlier in the race and had to go in for repairs but he is gaining ground. I just sent him an email through his website cheering him on. I'm sure he would appreciate one from any of you Canadians reading or for that matter, anyone:) Here he is catching a few zzzzzzzz.Looks exhausted.

I had no idea about this race. Just sent Derek an email, wishing him luck. Thank you for the link. :)
Glad to hear Monty is back and okay. It's amazing what a difference it makes when you are used to having an animal around and they have to leave. They are part of the family, and make such a difference.
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