So, tears found me yesterday. I happened by accident across the new CD of a wonderful family friend. Shannon and my daughter H are buddies and her mum and dad are good friends of mine. I knew Shannon and her dad had been working on a CD but I had forgotten all about it and boom, in that random way the internet works sometimes, I found myself on Shannon's Myspace page. I haven't seen her really in a long time. She is studying music in Toronto at Humber College.
I listened to her song Siuil A Ruin, and tears fell. It is beautiful, so clear and pure.
Shannon plays the fiddle and sings, and her dad plays guitar. She plays accordion and piano. I haven't even mentioned her Irish dancing skills....national competitions! Her father Tony, has been a musician and entertainer for more than 30 years. How wonderful for him to team up with his daughter, an accomplished musician in her own right now. They are a great duo:) I am sure you will be hearing more of her/them. CBC is recording a show of theirs in January.

Her mom and I plan on hitting the road together one day too:) Hey Angela! We'll be singing too I imagine but only after a few glasses of wine:) The CD is called the Irwin Lake Sessions. I think it was last Christmas, as a gift to Shannon, Angela paid for a week at an isolated cottage at Irwin Lake for Shan and her dad to get away from it all and create something special. They sure did.
Anyway, here is the LINK to Shannon's Myspace page and you can hear three of her songs. You might have to wait a wee bit for it to upload. Her CD is available at HMV records in Halifax. and you can buy it via the internet at CDBaby too.
photo credits - Shehab Illyas
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