This is an image of my foyer...............just kidding:)
It is another shot from Province House.
THANK YOU to the lovely person who gave such a generous donation to my wee 3 Cups of Tea fundraiser yesterday:) It was a super surprise and I feel very grateful that together we all will be helping to make a difference.....every little bit helps:))
All the rain we had yesterday turned into snow overnight. What a snarl. I am lucky because all around us, houses have lost their power. Wet and snow always makes for a messy storm.
H has her final exam today. Schools have been closed but it is rare that the universities shut down. She sure did not feel like getting up early this morning, after a late night studying and then out into the cold and crunchy. Don't blame her:)
I am working on a scenic painting this morning, Nova Scotia summer. That will keep my mind off the wintery chill outside. Lots of lovely bright colours:)
Unfortunately I've run out of rigid mailers and I have several prints to send out. A trip to Staples is in order but brrr, I don't feel like leaving the house. I hope the sun will pop out later. The temperature is supposed to rise to 12 C on Wed!! Crazy, crazy weather.
December Views
3 Cups of Tea December Fundraiser , Thanks to all who have donated so far:))
Oh the weather is crazy and horrible isn't it? Although I am glad to hear it's going to warm up again though. My muscles are struggling with the changes here. Nova Scotia is the most tempermental place I have ever lived! At least it keeps you guessing. I for one am staying inside until it gets warmer.
Well, I'm not going to gloat, because our weather can be pretty temperamental, too, with names like Ike, Gustav and Edouard just this year. Plus we're in an awful drought.
But the temp outside my open window is 73 (farenheit). We're in between "northers," when the temp gets down to 50's (F) at midday.
Our mild weathers in south central Texas and in Houston sort of make up for our beastly summers. I always tell my northernmost friends to come visit us in January.
That said, I sympathize. Think fire, sun, warmth...
Awful weather here in Illinois too. It's icing outside right now. Wonder how the morning drive to work will be. Lovely picture!
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