Aren't these pretty? Gypsy Bohemian Fairy Princess Turn of the Century Fanciful Sparkly Bling:). I bought these from a friend of mine Jen who lives in Portland, Oregon. She has a lovely shop on Etsy, L'Essence du Monde. I met her by lucky accident, she purchased a painting of mine through istock to use in her shop logo, someone mentioned to me they had seen a painting of mine , I popped over and voila!
These lovely earrings are crystal and depending on how the light shines through, they turn irridescent colours:) That's Monty investigating in the corner.

I've been tagged with an award from April Jarocka, a wonderful painter and illustrator who lives on the west coast of Ireland. Thanks so much. I have to put down seven things I love and then tag seven. I will not tag but ask that if you are interested, please join in:)
I love...
1. green
2. meeting new people
3. freshly washed sheets
4. traveling and being outside
5. reading and watching good movies, not at the same time lol
6. delicious meals with friends
7. my family
Gray day today, snow forecast again, I have errands downtown. Best get a move on:)
mmm these are just wonderful!!
thanks for sharing off to ck her site
BTW-i so love your art-glad i found you thru owoh giveaway :)
enjoy your day
They are exquisite.
ah ha that fabulous green! glad to know I'm not the only greenophile out there. :D
Those earings are spectacular, very delicate gift. Lucky friend!
Oh my goodness, that is about the best description....ever. Thank you so much for the love and I am so pleased that you like them.
And I LOVE green too!
Hi Shelagh, I so enjoy your blog and your art work. Hope to bump in to you one day on the streets of Halifax. Anna
her earrings are divine ~ they always make me feel like a princess :) beautiful photos!!
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