Dreaming of summer.......................
This was taken near Antigonish.
This time of year I start longing for green and warmth.
If I could, I would schedule a trip South every winter. A brief respite from the weariness of winter. We all need a blast of comfort in the middle of this season, a reminder that somewhere the sun is always shining.
My dad was a physician and he always said the patients of his who went South every year were always much healthier on average than those who could not. Sigh.
What an amazing photo! I want to be there this morning...but instead I am here and it is cold, foggy, drippy with colder temps and some snow coming. Oh joy!
I don't like the south...could I just go to Hawaii instead?
Have a good one! I'm off to work.
That lake looks like glass. Stunning.
I am weary. Ready for longer days. Warm breezes. Pots overflowing with flowers on my patio. Aromatherapy that comes with watering fresh herbs. It seems a long way away.
Of course, then I will complain about the heat and humidity that comes with living the the mid-west. But it sounds good now.
Bonjour Shelagh! This is a grand picture and it must have been a beautiful moment when you took it... Quite often views like this one leave me speechless. I will step on my car's brakes right there and marvel at some stunning nature's amazing miracles ... Take care, LuLu
Such a beautiful picture!! Oh my how I wish I was in a warm place right now. Korea is hovering around 1 degree Celcius but it feels sooo much colder with the dryness and the wind :(
Hi, Shelagh! This is a gorgeous picture! And I know you had to get up really early to catch the water that calm and to get the sunrise colors! Oh, and pictures from the sunny south on my blog today! ;-)
A lovely shot. I wonder if it's the vitamin D connection that caused the health difference. I'm curious now.
It's a bit milder here in Washington than it is there, but I completely understand. I'm ready for sunshine too. A trip to somewhere sunny would be just about perfect right now....sigh.
OMG...what a stunning photo!!! I SO want to leave this shabby, dull place and run there to live FORever!!! wow!
Great shot. Lovely reflection
Agreed...i am starting to long for color in my days. Beautiful picture reminds me of warm breezes. I would love to hear crickets and sleep with wide open windows.
We have had some rather warm days here lately - and today I took advantage of that and went for a walk -
Oh, course - right now it is snowing...but, we were expecting it.
What a gorgeous photo.
My house in St Marys is rentable each winter. This is the first year in several that we haven't had snow birds. THe economy I suppose.
Yes, winter seems to be the longest season. I'd also love a sunny vacation right about now. The colors and reflection in your photo are so mesmerizing.
This picture is absolutely stunning. It literally took my breath away. What a gorgeous place. It looks like heaven.
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