After a while it all looks the same:) You should see some of my painting t-shirts.I am a messy painter. This little water jar has been with me for years. I love the shape of it.
Watched the Oscars last night. I thought the set was beautiful and elegant. Nice to see some of the old Hollywood glamour and style back. Hugh Jackman a did a good job and I loved his opening number. I have to say that I am a musical fan from way back, Busby Berkely films enthralled me as a little girl, Fred, Gene, Bing, Julie, Danny, Doris, Ethel and the rest of them were wonderful as far as I am concerned:) Interesting that musicals were big during the depression, I can see them making a comeback during these trying times.
Ethel Merman 1936. Look at the stage. Just like last night's Oscars.
I love that photo. I too, am enchanted by the colourful mess on jars and aprons... Sometimes much more than by my actual artworks...
Absolute Joy! I hated to click the comment button, cause the tap dancing stopped. Every girl my age who grew up with this grand style wanted to be a tap dancer. I still TRY to tap dance, usually after a glass of wine.
Thanks for this, Shelagh.
I have always wanted to go to Greece. Thanks for that bit of your travels.
And now, the perennial question...
Is your name pronounced, Sheila?
I love musicals too. My parents were on the PTO at my grade school and performed many songs from Oklahoma during what was called the "Fall Follies"...it was so cool for me then to be a dancer in our high school performance of Oklahoma many years later! I have the CD and I play it often and sing along of course!
i think hugh looks like a classical movie star...i am glad the glitz and glamour is coming back...more elegant than trashy this year...
I loved your artistic "mess" in that photo, which I found really beautiful. How about Beyonce?! And I couldn't help noticing the green rocks Angelina Jolie was wearing. Certainly couldn't have been real, could they?
I enjoyed that Ethyl Merman clip! Her dress was so beautiful. And tap dancing.... wow even with special effects way back then!
Your paint jar is becoming its own work of art!
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