Jenn is a charming artist living in the suburbs of Chicago with her two sons, Jake and Henry aka Noodle and Lou, her husband and cat Mazzy. Her work is cheerful and full of whimsy. Jenn's ladies are bold and beautiful. Polka dots and stripes are always big faves. A little known fact is that Jenn and I are a tambourine and maraca duo available for hire! Bet you didn't know that! Jenn's work is available at her shop, Noodle and Lou and you can read her blog here!

Polkadot Dress

They put on their Party Hats

A Wonderful Day
And here are Jenn's colours......"I'm so happy to take part!"
Red: Red instantly reminds me of my Nanna's lipstick. We would stay with her and my PopPop in the summers and every Sunday she would get ready for church and put on her pretty red lipstick and Charlie perfume. Miss her. It also makes me think of my red sneakers when I was a little girl. I loved those sneakers like an old friend!
Orange: Orange reminds me of my living room in Florida. It was our very 1st house right around the time we were getting married. It was a darling little bungalow with some super sad paint colors. My parents came up and helped us paint the whole inside and I chose orange for the living and dining room. Everyone thought I was nuts but it turned out so FABULOUS. It was such a happy color and so funky:)
Yellow: Yellow reminds me of my favorite flowers...daisies. Forget big bouquets of roses...I'll take a bunch of daisies any ol' day!! And I can't think of yellow without thinking of the sun and of happy warmth:) I can't wait for Spring...
Green: I love green. Makes me think of nature and trees and walking barefoot in crunchy grass. It takes me back to when my son Jake was 3 and 4 years old and we had a huge back yard filled with all sorts of woods and moss and wildlife. He would stay out there for hours catching frogs in his little bug hut. When it was time to let them go, he would cry and cry. He loved the frogs so much. Sweet little Jake.
Blue: Blue is for my baby Henry's beautiful blue eyes and the beach of course. There is nothing more peaceful to me, than watching the water and listening to the waves. Taking walks along the beach. Looking for sea glass. Watching my kids hunt for crabs. Pure joy. I miss the beach so very much. I really do feel lost without it.
Purple: Reminds me of my Aunt Connie...she's always loved purple! And that pretty shade of hydrangeas (my other favorite flower!) that is a gorgeous blueish-purple. And, honestly, takes me straight back to Prince and "Purple Rain"!! Electric guitars, tons of jelly bracelets, leggings and big hair!
Pink: Pink makes me think of Betsey Johnson. Love her, love her, LOVE HER and she loves pink!! As a teenager, I clipped every single article and ad containing anything Betsey Johnson related. My parents went on a trip to NY and specifically went to one of her boutiques for me. They brought me back a PINK postcard along with a tee shirt, skirt and pair of bloomers. I dreamed of being a fashion designer like her. Now, I would settle for just going to lunch and a thrift shop with her. Call me Betsey! *wink wink*
Hi Shelagh !
I found your wonderful blog through my travels in Blogland (can't remember from who ?!?!) and I am so happy I did ! These rainbow interviews are wonderful! It is so fun to read what artists associate with the colors of the rainbow - their responses are like works of art in themselves. So inspiring !
And I was taking a look at your own art in your etsy shop. Wow ! I love your use of those lively bright colors- just gorgeous ! Makes my heart happy to look at your pieces.
Anyway, just wanted to say I love what you do and I will visit often to see what you are up to!
Cheers !
from a fellow Canadian Chick (who is stuck in the US for now !)
This is so nice! You have a beautiful blog xx
Such a great idea Shelgh, these have been so interesting. X
P.S What part of the duo are you!?
Love reading these interviews! Fun, Fun! and little glimpse in to the life of the artist.
Jenn is a sweetheart. It comes thru in her words as well as her art.
Thanks for doing this very cool thing, Shelagh!
Hello Miss Shelagh!
I've been trying to catch up on my blog reading but you just have so much to catch up on it may take me awhile! I am like a kid in a candy shop when I visit you and can't resist skimming through everything quickly before settling down into one of your posts. I love these artist interviews, so well done and such a creative platform and presentation of their work. You are so tidy and thorough and perfect in your blog presentations it puts a lot of us to shame. And, as always, your photographs are as beautiful as your paintings and I just sit here and drool.
Thank you for all of your good thoughts and wishes lately. Your support has meant the world to me and I am so glad to have you as an art and blog sister! I'll be back frequently until I get all caught up here!
ooooh you are soooo WONDERFUL Shelagh! thanks for the great interview...this is the best idea ever and I am thrilled to be featured like this:) Giggling so hard about our secret band life...hope we get some gigs;)
big xoxoxox...jenn
What a neat blog and fun interview! So glad I followed Jenn's link!
great interview...jenn is such a sweetheart, and oh, so talented!! you have a fun blog...so glad to find you! :)
Jenn is one of my favoites, totally enjoyed the interview!
So sweet! Wonderful interview! Loved it!
This is SUCH a cool idea!! So much fun to read and what a great way to learn about artists and get insight into their lives and inspirations. Love it!
Carrie the SnipPet Girl
Oh so happy to see Jenn interviewed here. She's fabulous, isn't she?
she is fabulous!!! colourful and wild, like you!!!
my first visit to you from jenn's blog! what a fun idea this rainbow interview is! and, you couldn't habe picked a better artist than jenn to interview. she is a fave of mine. i'm off to read more of your blog and check out more of your beautifully colorful art!!
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