Like the rest of the country, we've been having a summer of extremes with our weather. Swinging from one thing to the next. Yesterday it was very hot and humid. I felt like a limp noodle. Today it is grey and misty.
I still have an active feeder on the end of my deck and yesterday decided to go out and refresh some water I have in a small bowl for the little birds, butterflies, bees and squirrels that might need it. Well, there happened to be a wee squirrel feeding greedily on some seed and he dashed off at my approach and then proceeded to scream and chatter at me from a nearby branch. The nerve. I'm the one that feeds her! :)
Later in the afternoon I did see some chickadees taking quick sips from the water I poured. Especially in hot weather, it is nice to set out a saucer of water if you think of it. It will be appreciated.
This a trailer for a movie that I am really looking forward to:) I bet you will too once you have watched it:) A true story about John Keats the poet and Fanny. It is directed by Jane Campion who directed the Piano. Remember that one?