A quaint scene in Europe? No..... it is is Argyle Street in Halifax! Five streets up from the harbour. We have a lovely wee downtown squeezed between the water and Citadel Hill, our fortress, now a national museum. These pics were taken on one of our recent foggy days. The picture below is looking down Prince Street towards the Harbour. The Press Gang is a small restaurant with an outdoor patio. Years ago Press gangs used to roam the streets of 18th century Halifax, scooping up unfortunate drunks and pressing them into service for the Navy warships, like it or not. Anyone between the ages of 15 and 55 was fair game.
Today, the city is buzzing with Paul McCartney preparations. The outdoor stage is set and the sound check scheduled to happen this afternoon. The Nova Scotia Highland Games are also scheduled for this weekend, the Jazz festival starts and the Lebanese Weekend is on! Next week the Tall Ships arrive. Always something happening in this wee city. Tonight I hope to go get some Za'atar on fresh roasted pita! Yum! I'm so thrilled the sun is shining for everyone:)
sounds like a great time and what a beautiful city
Ooooo, sounds so awesome!
It looks so pretty, especially that blue nook in the middle, what is that?
I once watched "New Waterford Girl" and it stayed with me. Not quite the part of Nova Scotia you enjoy perhabs.
Pressganging was ghastly, to think that similar things still happen today but more so out of economic needs.
Hi, Shelagh! Sounds like you are enjoying the summer and all the activities it has to offer. Everything from Paul to Tall Ships! Have a great time! :-)
Whoa, you got a lot going on there missy:)
I am in the process of unpacking, and out popped your pocket mirror! Then I go to persisting stars and there you were! So it was a big clunk on the head from the Universe to me to say get your buttsky over to Shelagh's and wish her a most
of weekends!!!
Halifax looks so quaint and pretty. I hope to get up there one day! It is on my list of places to go!
Fun! Fun! Fun! Hey, while you're there, check out the Sons of Maxwell for me! Have you seen their new United Breaks Guitars video? Gotta love Canada!!!
Oh my gosh, that street is lovely! I just found this blog and it is great! :)
Your city is beautiful, I want to visit! There is a art retreat in Nova Scotia Aug. 10-14th I wish I could do it. Maybe next year. It is hosted by art and soul and looks very cool! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Speaking of concerts I went to Barry Manalow last week here in Rochester - he was great, it was like walking down memory lane.
What a lovely downtown area. It is beautiful!!
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