Thanks to the genius people at the Halifax Downtown Business Comisssion, I was given $100 to spend as I liked in downtown Halifax. Nice huh? 29 other lucky bloggers were also given the same opportunity and you can read about their adventures here. If you want to win your own $100 Halifax downtown fun Visa you can follow the HDBC on twitter and Facebook:) to find out more! This is the final installment on my big day!
I decided to visit the south end of Barrington Street for the final part of my adventure downtown.

We stopped into
Viewpoint Gallery, a place I have just discovered recently. You might walk past it if you weren't looking. Open 12-5 Wednesday to Sunday. It is the only gallery dedicated to photography in the city. Here are a couple of art fans, sitting on the other side of a divider, enjoying the pictures!
Viewpoint is a co-operative owned and operated by photographers whose work appears on the walls. They promote Nova Scotian artists and have a revolving mix of solo and group shows.

Next up is Carbonstok! Just across the street. A fabulous shop full of quirky and fun things.

The kind of place where you will find something and say to yourself, why didn't I think of that:?

Full of daylight and cool stuff to browse.

Lomo photography fun:)

I bought one of these..... look at the small illustration on the right to see what it is. I also walked away with a crazy
head massager( daughter made me buy it!) and a funny book called
Stuntology! We were reading it and laughing out loud. Very silly. Looking forward to trying some stunts:)

Hungry again and luckily,
Uncommon Grounds is right next door!

I had a roasted veggie wrap and a chai latte and my daughter had a coffee. She was still full from that luscious cake a few hours ago. Yum, good stuff:)

This is a wifi hot spot and is often full of people on laptops.

So that brings to a close my epic day in downtown Halifax! I spent all my money, had a fabulous time, came home with some great goodies and a full tummy. The cool thing is, there is so much to do here that on any number of days, I could have COMPLETELY different adventures and not show you the same thing twice.
Big Day Downtown, part 1
Big Day Downtown, part 2