Warning, lots of pictures up ahead!
I finally found some time to do my Big Day Downtown! This year's task was to do something you've never done before, so armed with my $100 I decided to take a stroll along Barrington Street in Halifax and visit places I've not been to before.
My first stop was Attica and I am quite amazed that I have never crossed thier doorstep!
Attica is a very cool home furnishing store that was started 16 years ago by Susanne Saul and Chris Joyce. Their first location was on Gottingen Street. I loved the feel of this store.
Some of the light fixtures were stunning. Chris designs carpets and does custom furniture work too. I walked away with a really cool little case for credit cards and ID. Not exactly what you might expect I'd pick up here but they had a wee display near the cash full of interesting things.
I strolled further down the street and was pleased to see the construction work going on in some of the buildings. Barrington Street, once the busiest shopping street in the city is undergoing a rennaisance.
This is where I found myself next!
A new store. Oddjects. Chock-a-block with interesting things. They even have a few tables where you can sit outside and enjoy the air.
Lots of stuff to look at.
Art too. These prints are by a Quebec artist Michel Williate-Battet who now calls Cape Breton home.
Dustin made me an amazing coffee. A mocha something or other. They have a small bar where you can sit.
Did I mention how delicious that coffee was?? This is what he put in it!
I purchased some of these prickly cactus plate chargers. Sort of like round table mats. I loved them!
Love the dragonfly paperweights.
Out the door and onward ho!
Hilltribe was my last stop. Another place I cannot believe I have not been into before!! They have been in business for 17 years!
The clothing is designed by the owner Victoria Raine and made in Bali. I loved the exotic feel to the shop and of course the sculptures of hands and Buddhas.
I will be coming back to do some more shopping for clothing absolutely!
My purchase here was a gorgeous hand dyed silk scarf in shades of blue and green and aqua. Wish I had taken a picture the colours are beautiful!
And that my friends, concludes my fun adventure downtown. Many thanks to the Downtown Halifax Business Commission.