I was looking through my pictures from Paris and stopped at this one. I don't know why I love it so much. It is just a snapshot of a subway station. Train departed, platform cleared, no one waiting for the next. Maybe that's why I like it, the moment between moments. That little red chair calls out to me . I wonder who sat in it before this picture was snapped and after and who is sitting in it right now, as sit here thousands of miles away, writing this.
I can hear the strange echo sounds of the subway and feel those odd sudden blasts of air. The sense of anticipation and peculiar boredom that travel together in waiting places everywhere. Destinations, people to see, things to do. Paris, mon amour.
PS Just for fun, imagine you are in Paris at the Mabillion stop right now, and describe the person you see sitting in the red chair :)
Oh and if you are inclined...please stop by and vote for my RAP DITTY NOVA SCOTIA video...thanks...I appreciate it:)
There's an old lady with a pink beret and a bright green skirt, sitting there with her wee dog on her lap, waiting for the train to take them to his shampoo and cut:)
Just getting back to you re., your kind words.., Thank you for the encouragement!.., It is much appreciated.,I'll post an encouraging and much "relieved" posting after I'm safely on the other side of the procdure.., How I would love to travel to Paris.., Something to look forward to for later God willing!..,Cheers from Silken Purse
I imagine a punk kid, you know with a blue Mohawk and pins in his ears, big boots, all slouched over listening to his iPod, waiting for the train to take him to work, the breakfast shift at McDonald's.
An elderly dame, dressed in her best, she has diamante earrings and a silk scarf, slightly tired shoes and carefully coiffed hair, face powder and lipstick. Her shopping bags are full of delightful finds from the fresh market - fish, veggies and herbs for dinner, and a cheerful bunch of flowers poking out.
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