Today is Thanksgiving up here in the Northern half of America. Don't know why they are celebrated on different days. I like that ours is early, gives us time to recover for the big Christmas meal in two months. I bought a small 11 pound turkey and it is defrosting nicely I write. Tomorrow I will cook our meal, probably for a late lunch. Turkey and all the trimmings! Love it. Pumpkin pie for dessert. Thanksgiving is not a holiday we celebrated much growing up. I come from a Scottish family and it was not something that was familiar. I do like the idea of a holiday for gratitude and now embrace it.
Last night I watched an Alfred Hitchcock film that I'd not see before. Strangers on a Train (1951) what a great flick. I hadn't meant to watch it but was flicking through the TV channels looking for today's weather before heading to bed and got so engrossd in it that I stayed until the end! Raymond Chandler wrote the screenplay. The cinematography was compelling. So crisp and interesting. Because the image is in black and white, composition and lighting take on extraordinary importance. The skill blew me away. I just popped over to wikipedia to discover more and actually, I just learned that Strangers on a Train was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Black and White Cinematography, which was performed by Robert Burks. Worth watching if just for that!
Today is a crisp, golden, beautiful one! Hope the sun is shining where you are and if it isn't.... find yourself a good book and curl up with it for a bit.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
(we're making a Turkey too, first time for me and Andrew :) ).
I also like that it's earlier- it makes more sense, and makes October an extra special month.
I love turkey dinners because you spin them out for several days! Leftovers:)Then soup. Have a good one:)
Happy Thanksgiving
I too love Thsnksgiving meal and that movie
Much love
When I was little, it confused me that everyone didn't have Thanksgiving as a holiday, lol.
Happy Thanksgiving! That pumpkin looks awesome and now I'm craving pumpkin pie....
I love old movies and haven't seen this one. I need to check it out, thanks for the head's up!
Happy Thanksgiving! Love the photo of the pumpkin. Just lusious! I love Hitchcock movies, but I don't think I've ever seen that one. I'll have to make sure I do.
Have a wonderful holiday!
well, i still don't understand the difference in celebration dates (other than random decision) but it was a good excuse to look up both holidays on wiki.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Shelagh!
BAU or back at u...oh I don't know...Yes do have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving blessings to you! I love B & W movies. And photography too.
Yeah, you gotta like the cinematography in those old b&w films. Have you seen Metropolis (1927) by Fritz Lang? Wow.
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