I had such fun in my last post reading the creative titles suggested to me. My fave was 3 Sheeps to the Wind :) It was from Phred, whoever you are....thanks! That is it's new name.
Gosh only two days until Spring officially arrives and one day until my daughter's BIG birthday! 21.... Today will be spent making a cake, doing errands, cleaning( always cleaning....if I won the lottery I would hire a cleaner and pay them REALLY well), painting, stuff, and getting ready for the market tomorrow! Busy.
Also, today is the Blogger's Day of Silence in support of the disaster in Japan. Instead of being silent, (I found out about this too late) am going to directly donate 100% of all funds from all sales of my prints today to **Shelterbox Canada as well as make a personal donation. I 'm not sure if silence does much to help things or raise awareness. It is knowledge and information that does. I've quietly reflected on the scale and horror of this disaster and am doing what I can personally to help out. Each of us should do what we can, every little bit helps. Here is the live translated feed of NHK ( the national TV Station in Japan) Best info on the situation.
**Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items.
Shelagh, you are a kind soul.
I just found out about this too late this morning too.
One of the feeds I was listening to (either NHK or NPR) said those ShelterBoxes have been a great help.
I really like the idea of them too.
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