Well it's here! A ton of snow:)
I spent yesterday running around getting ready for my audition tomorrow! Yes, audition! I'm trying out for this show. They are auditioning, in Toronto, Calgary Vancouver and Montreal too.
Thinking about Saturday, I suddenly felt insecure about my current wardrobe and felt the need to dash about looking for something to wear. Something not white or black or bright red. No big patterns..... you know, just the perfect sort of television contestant outfit. Ack. Well I did manage to pick up a few things and will return those that don't work. I even scored some stuff at Value Village. (Don't tell anyone)
Today I am having a couple of trusted advisers over for lunch and they will sample my meal and I will do some modeling for them. A mini "What Not to Wear", I don't trust my own judgement.
I will be taking pictures and will report back about the event.
If you want to come and cheer me on, send me an email and I'll let you know the time and place.
Best of luck tomorrow!
If I had dew claws they would be crossed for you! Good luck + lots of tail wags,
Good luck ! can't wait to see what you are making. Sounds like a great show ....we might get it in Australia in 10 years time ha ha. Any way all the best, hope they love your foodie creation.
That's quite a pile of snow! We didn't get as much as they had predicted.
Good luck with the audition!
good luck! fingers crossed! xoxo
Not sure our paths will cross today Shelagh but I am so rooting for you!!!! I know you are going to do amazing, just wish I could have a bite of your dish and help cheer you on!
Eek, thanks everyone!
Eek, thanks everyone!
whoa that is a ton of snow. mountains fo snow. Good luck to you! (i never wash dishes that i dont think of you lol)
Very anxious to hear all about you success at this endeavor! Best of luck at your audition! Jeanne
Good luck! And I love the photos!
I hope it went well! (am reading this the day after your audition)
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