Monday, January 19, 2009

One World, One Heart


I am participating in the One World, One Heart Giveaway. "Hello!!" to everyone arriving from there!!! One of the largest giveaway events in the blogging world. Fun to visit everyone and see what they are doing:) Yes! Another giveaway:) Just scroll down to leave a comment on this post, say HI!.... anything you want:) and the winner will be drawn on the 12th of February. If you have won something from me already, please don't hesitate to comment again, how exciting to maybe win twice!!! Make sure you let me know how to reach you.:) Click on the blue badge to get more info on this event and see all the lovely artists participating.
Here are the words of Lisa "oceandreamer" Swifka who created this ..."The original idea behind this giveaway event was to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet. It closes the gap of the blog community and enables us to interact, discover new and wonderful people, and in the process possibly win a prize or many prizes along the way...This is more than wanting to win something.......that is only the the end it's about finding kindred spirits. Someone who may be fairly new to blogging, not sure how to navigate, find others and have others find them....Some are long time bloggers and in some cases well known in the art community. Whatever the case it brings all of them together...We are not solving the worlds problems nor are we curing anything nor are we changing the world. We are merely generating a closer community between humans through blogging."

So, in the spirit of sharing:) my contribution will be two pictures of the winners choice. One print and one photograph. Click on the pictures to see what you can choose from:) You don't have to choose now but have fun browsing if you desire:)

Have a great week:)


1 – 200 of 393   Newer›   Newest»
Barbra said...

I'm commenting because your work is wonderful but a chance to win one is also a good thing! Love the cottage print in your shop.

Alice said...

How difficult to choose!!!! but I LOVE Jazzy Cats and I also love the red shoes photograph. However, if I were to win any of your work I would be happy :-) hmmm, maybe I might try a neckwarmer giveaway!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

decisions decisions....hmmmmmm
they are all so beautiful!

Hugz, Dolly

Janet said...

What a great giveaway! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

Puddles of Grace said...

Super giveaway! Please enter me into your drawing!

Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Love those red shoes...stop by mine too please.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your blog. Especially your gorgeous pictures of Monty. But then again he is near perfection as are all cats!

Please add my name to your contest!!!!

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan said...

Nice Work! My first year for the OWOH event. Karen

Sherry Goodloe said...

Love BOTH of these pieces! Happy OWOH 2009. Please enter my name in your drawing! And please stop by and enter my giveaway as WELL :)

stampgram said...

Oh, it will be so hard to choose, such lovely pictures. Please enter me in your drawing.

debra said...

These are wonderful pieces! The cat looks like one of the ones that has found us :-)
Please enter my name in your drawing.

Sue said...

Wonderful work (and a fellow Canadian too!). Please enter me in your draw.

Fae Wishes,


Anonymous said...

So many lovely prints to choose from :)

Please enter my name to your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Yes, enter me please! One of my best, if not the best vacations I've ever taken, was two weeks riding around Nova Scotia with a friend. You live in an awesome place, and I'd love to visit again some day. Til then, having something from a NS artist will have to do. :)
Visit my blog. I’m in OWOH too!

Anonymous said...

Your paintings are lovely! Please do enter me enter your drawing, and if you haven't already come visit my blog and sign up to win my prizes!! Lovely to meet you~

daisies said...

what a lovely giveaway you have here :) sooo beautiful!! xo

ART*ticulation said...

Awesome giveaway love your work.
And I invite you to ck out my giveaway.

Kathy said...

What wonderful prizes! Your work is so beautiful.

Dawn Newsome said...

Just beautiful! I'm in the OWOH giveaway too. Stop by if you get a chance.

Peggy Parker said...

would love to choose one!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered into your give-away. As I peruse your journal and blog more and more, I am in awe of the positiveness your work inspires. I love the colors, the subjects, the frivolity I feel when I look!

Dawn said...

Love the photographs and the artwork. Hope I am the lucky person that gets to decide what to pick.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I'm also an OWOH participant :)

Bella Modiste said...

CUTEness! Please enter me in your drawing! I'll be making my OWOH post later today..time got away from me!
The Bella Modiste

Ronnie said...

Oh wow Alice! I love your Nova Scotia pieces! Beautiful! Please count me in.

Becky Bunn said...

Your photo's and art work are lovely.
Do stop by

Sara said...

Am having to pick my jaw up off the floor...I feel in love with all the cat art - all of them - and the Paris photo of walking on the Seine (can never spell it right - cause it always looks wrong)!

Please enter me in your drawing!!!

Diana S said...

what FUN! I hope to win. Please enter my name to be picked in your giveaway drawing. also, if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

Sara said...

Hi Shelagh,
I've never heard of OWOH before. I will be joining in tomorrow.
Of course I'd love a chance to win some of your artwork! Please include my name.
P.S. I awarded you with the "Blogging Friends Award" today. Here is the link to the blog entry:

Latharia said...

You're too generous! Please do enter me in your drawing ... then come visit my blog & enter mine!

latharia at comcast . net

Cathy said...

Great Giveaway!! I would love to win. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Looking forward to spending more time looking around your blog!

Joanne Huffman said...

Love the pictures. Please enter me in your drawing. I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing


Ottilias Veranda said...

I love art and photography! Please add my name to the drawing. I would want all of them!


The Odd Bird said...

All of your art is wonderful. Please add me to the list.

Terry Spier-Kalmar said...

Wonderful art.

Please enter me in the drawing.


Terry Spier

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I love your "Seaside Cottage" piece... (That's right up my alley).. I'd love to be included if you please!!... Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

how generous of you to have another giveaway!
schnuckypuss at gmail dot com

Dawn said...

Hi Alice
Great to met you
Oh I love the artwork!
Greaat blog
Count me in!


Anonymous said...

What a lovely (and generous!) prize. I'd love to enter the contest for the chance to win.

I Have a giveaway going on over at my place as well, so please do stop by when you have a chance...


Unknown said...

Oh what a wonderful giveaway, Shelagh! Please include my name. I am having one as well, so come on by.

Snap said...

Your work is wonderful. I love CATS!
Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be a part of your drawing.

Please contact me by email.


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Gonna be hard to choose! Fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Your work is incredible!
Love them both - who could decide?!
Make sure to come on over and check out mine.
Have a wonderful week.

nancy said...

Shelagh, my fellow Canadian, love your art and your photos, enter me in, I will stop by often, Nancy

nancye williams said...

Love your work. Please add me to your drawing.
nancye said...

Love the cat,love the crystals . . . love Paris, tea and my Grandmother . .. nice to meet you! Come visit me if you haven't already, I have a giveaway also ~ Rachael ~

Anonymous said...

Your work reminds me of Maude Lewis count me in on the chance to win one of your pieces.

GraceBeading said...

Wonderful stuff! I am a lover of cats, so your cat paintings just make me go awwwwwwww, your photos are just as amazing. Thanks for the opportunity!

Flor Larios Art said...

Great! I am guessing I am in...

Geri said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!! Great blog!

Diane said...

Wow, I love your paintings and would be giddy about getting a print. Please add me

Letha Richardson said...

I love your work, and would be grateful if I could be entered in the drawing to win one.
Thanks, Letha

Anonymous said...

I love the cat print but are your prints are great

please add me to your drawing and check out my blog give away at


carolyn h

Leslie said...

Love the prints, beautiful colors! Please enter me in your drawing, Leslie

Anonymous said...

My favorites are from the east coast-loved it when I visited a couple yrs ago! Love the Nova Scotia Sunset Cottage print and also the photo of Peggy's Cove Lighthouse.

Elaine R

rochambeau said...

Hello Shelagh!
Thank you for dropping by today.
So nice to have a chance to visit you here in NS!!
Your painting and photograph both intrigue me. I like your colors and energy!!


Unknown said...

Please enter me! Your work is lovely!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures and I LOVE those red shoes with the checkered stockings! Please add me to the hat :D

Thanks, Eva

Ann said...

Ooh, beautiful stuff! Please enter me in your giveaway, and stop by to enter mine! ;)

Anonymous said...

I am loving all your work and would be honored to win! Please enter me in your giveaway and then hop on over and visit mine.

The Engineer said...

Love the bright colors of your paintings. Please enter me. ~Julie K.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work.
Thanks for participating and offering such lovely treasures.

Dschrader said...

Love your site and your work! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks, Donna Schrader

khhast said...

What beautiful pictures! Please enter me into your draw, and pop over to my blog and enter mine:

seahagstudio said...

red poppies and pink shoes!!! awesome- etsy rocks doesn't it! sign me up please! thanks, tracy

Bunny B said...

I love your prints and would love to win one! They're gorgeous! Thanks!
bunnybx at gmail . com

Artseyanne said...

Beautiful, please include me in your draw.
Anne s

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter your drawing and win one of those lovely prizes again! But even if I don't win. I like the idea of meeting and connecting with other bloggers!

88greenthumb on livejournal

Life on an artistic shoestring said...

If I won, I would choose an art print. But which one? I love each of them, so it would be very hard to choose between them. But I would love to do so!

Unknown said...

Wow! You have got some fabulous things! You are one talented artist!
For a chance to win some hand tatted lace come on over to my blog to enter whilst on your OWOH caravan travels.

jojoebi-designs said...

ohhh deciding will be a toughie if I win :o)

Please enter me in your draw and come and enter in mine

I will be back to have a look around :o)

Miri said...

Thank you so much for your generosity. Please count me in! Thanks, Miri

Carolee said...

SO happy to have found you - your work is absolutely enchanting!! Please do count me in for your generous giveaway!!

~ Carolee

Anonymous said...

awww this are nice *hope i win*


Sena said...

Your prints are wonderful! I want to win!!!

Graciel said...

Love it!!! Count me in. It's a brand new, shiny day.

And many blessings to you for the lovely comments you've left me. xo

ByLightOfMoon said...

What a wonderful blog and One World, One Heart giveaways! I hope I have a chance at winning your sweet gifts!

I adore your heart crystals or the cat print, I LOVE both! I am also in this event at ByLightOfMoon

smiles, Cyndi

Bibi said...

Your work is beautiful! Please enter me. I'm at, and am planning to participate too, but only found out about this today, so won't get my giveaway together until the weekend - do check back then

noodle and lou said...

hooray!!! If I win...could you send me some of that yummy soup too? :):):) xoxo...jenn

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your work is amazing! I am so glad I found you! Going to check out the rest of your work now! Please enter me to win!
Have a great day!

Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

I've bookmarked your blog and will be back! Great colors and I love the story behind the name of the blog. For now, please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.

Lorrie Grainger Abdo

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh wow Shelagh! You know how much I LOVE your cat prints so I'd LOVE a chance to win one! Thansk so much!
I'll have to check out "One World One Heart" --such a nice idea!
Hugs, Pat

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Very Nice prints!I am new to OWOH and am finding it so exciting! A generous giveaway! Please count me in and visit my blog too! Nic to meet you!

divaqueenie said...

Your work is wonderful! Thank you for sharing your gift with us!

Vanessa Kiki Johanning said...

Super cute!!! Thanks for paticipating!


Tumble Fish Studio said...

Wow! I am just entranced by your blog. I will be adding it to my blogs links on my place. Besides your art work (which I just adore - the bright vivid color is amazing), I was quite taken with your photography and post about shutterstock, etc. You are so kind to share that idea. I will be back many times! Hope you can visit me too!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Awesome! You have a wonderful blog! Love your art! Please enter me!

barb cabot said...

I feel so lucky to have found your blog. really special.
thank you. Barb Cabot

Moira said...

This is a very nice blog to visit and wonderfu lwork, please enter me i nthe draw many thanks

Jodi said...

Love your work ~ it will definitely be hard to choose. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Love your artwork and photos. So fun to have a chance to win one. thanks!


sewfunky said...

I so love the wee cat...

Please enter me in the draw, and go take a look at the OWOH giveaway on my blog! :)

Gifted Typist said...

This is quite an event. Count me in. I'd be thrilled with a prize, but it's great just to be part of something like this

Pamela said...

That cat on the fence is fantastic! Stop by my place to enter my OWOH drawing...homemade pickles, salsa and relish!

SpiritMama said...

Your art is lovely, and how fun to choose! Thank you for including me in your giveaway drawing.

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Linda said...

Your print and photograph are just wonderful, please count me in on your draw.
Cheers Linda

Gera Scott Chandler said...

Love the cat print - looks just like my cat Shadow.... please add me!

gera #210

Melissa said...

Love your prints. It would be hard to choose one if I were lucky enough to win. Please enter me in your giveaway.


carylsrealm said...

How fabulous! Please enter me! And stop by my giveaway if you haven't! :)

Sophie said...

Oh wow. Such lovely prints and photographs! It will be difficult to choose once I win! hehe
Sophie in Montreal, Quebec

Kitty G said...

Your art work is Great. Would be hard pressed to pick my favorite but I would be more than happy to. Thanks for the chance to win

Malissa said...

Your art is wonderful!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Throw my name in that hat!

Sandi said...

Lovely pictures. Please enter my name.

Born in the year of the Dog said...

Awesome print and photo and would love them both to come to my house. Thanks for sharing your artwork. Colleen

altermyworld said...


Please add me.
Gorgeous giveaway

Monique Kleinhans said...

I'm in love with "all is well" but it would be so hard to choose! With any luck I'll face that hard decision! :) Please enter my name in your drawing and if you are able to stop by my blog please do so!

Thanks for being a part of One World One Heart!

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ I would Love a chance to be the lucky winner of one of your gorgeous and generous giveaways
You can find me at OWOH #122
Thank you!

Unknown said...

Nice pictures!

Diane H said...

Greetings. Wonderful art, I'll be back. Thanks for a chance in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaways...I would love a chance to win

Pearl said...

I already have the lovely print of two pears from you--looking for a frame to hang it in my kitchen, then can feature it on my blog.

Thanks for participating.

*~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

your art is beautiful
i've had a look around -oh so hard to choose!
if by chance my name is picked i will choose then
nice to meet you-i'll be back again
many thanks
tabby :)

Angie in AZ said...

I'd love to be entered in your drawing! Feel free to visit mine as well:


Gerry said...

Love the cat! Please count me in. I also invite you to visit my blog to enter.

littlepage said...

What beautiful work - both your photography and painting! I love it. So please enter me in the drawing. Thanks so much!

Jingle said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! Your shop has so many wonderful choices!!! You do great work! I really like it! Count me in!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

"We are not solving the worlds problems nor are we curing anything nor are we changing the world. We are merely generating a closer community between humans through blogging."

Lisa is wrong here. We are changing the world by "generating a closer community between humans."


And, if it's not too late could I be entered in your drawing/ giveaway?

I resolved that this would be a year of winning and prizes and surprises, so what better way to try?


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Thank you for participating in this years event!
When I saw your giveaway it made me smile as one who loves color in the art I do I also love seeing it in others. Your work is fantastic, any choice from your shop would be such a treat!
I hope you're enjoying the mix and mingle!
Lisa Swifka
OWOH Host/participant

Heather Robinson said...

I'm already a huge fan of your artwork and actually own a couple of your prints. I was delighted to see you participating in this event. Thank you for the chance to win these wonderful pieces.

Connie said...

lovely, lovely artwork! Please enter me in your draw!

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Your artwork is lovely. I'd love to win! Please enter me in your drawing. I am also participating in this wonderful event!

Greetings from Germany,

Paula said...

I love your work! How inspiring! Makes we want to go now and pick up brush and paint and sit down and create. I'm tagging your site so that I can visit again! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win one of your lovely pieces of art.

Digital Misfit said...

Yay for fellow Canadian artists!
Your work is beautiful.
I have always loved photographs of random objects then when casually viewed, may not seem interesting. Shoes, pencils, etc - make for such fabulous and colourful compositions!

I love your paintings too - such bold and beautiful colours!

Glassgrrl Studios said...

What heartwarming imagery you capture in your photos and paintings. I'd be delighted to be lucky enough to win any of them (though the cats are near to my heart).
And you're another on Etsy; I need to do some more hearting.

Come play in my giveaway.

trisha too said...

VERY lovely images!

:)thank you for stopping by to see
my OWOH at:

Unknown said...

Oh, I was soooo excited to see your link on the OWOH blog! I would be so hugely EXCITED to win your giveaway! I adore your work!


Sarah said...

Your prints are great! I particularly like the splattered artists brushes.
Nice to meet you!
Sarah :)

Anonymous said...

Yes please!Jo

Anonymous said...

You must be a fellow cat lover. I just love your cats. Please enter me. Be sure to enter my giveaway as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Twisted Hare said...

Hi Selagh,
I'm back...I feel pretty greedy signing up to win something on your blog yet again, but here I am =)
Thanks for stopping by mine to sign up.
P.S. Thank you very much for the pocket mirror, it's so charming!

Kims Art said...

Hi, It is so nice to meet you! Please add my name to the hat for a chance to win! I hope I'm lucky!

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

What a selection to choose from! The celestial kitties are definitely my favorites. Please add my name and make sure you visit my blog for my giveaway. Thanks!

Kit said...

WOW! I don't think I could chose. You are a wonderful artist! My mother was an artist so it's very close to my heart, even though I can't draw a straight line. Please count me in and do come by my giveaway as well. Thanks. Kathy

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. :-)

Our Hands For Hope said...

Oh yeah...the red shoes and the black and white kitty with the red background! Can't wait to frame them!
'running with scissors'

PattiV said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing and won't you stop by and enter mine!

Mary said...

What a wonderful giveaway! May I pleased be entered? Thanks a bunch! :)

Anonymous said...

So many lovely prints and photos to choose from! How would I choose? Hopefully I'll have to. :)

Please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog for my own (photographic) OWOH giveaway!

The Giveaway Diva said...

oh ow wsooo amazing!! i'd love to be entered! thanks so much!!

Jax said...

Your prints and your photos are amazing. Please count me in for your drawing!

Teresa Abajo said...

You capture some beautiful images!

Nino's Mum said...

Beautiful prints and photographs - and thanks to OWOH that we get to see them.
I'd love to win, but also wanted to say you've a beautiful eye for detail. cheers.

Anonymous said...

Hi from Northern Alberta. Wonderful work. Please enter me in your draw. Thanks.

Val Braun


Both pieces are wonderful and have such personal pizzazz! Please add my name to your drawing.

Renee said...

These are really wonderful.



Tami said...

What a wonderful give-away! I love your kitties too :) Count me in please :)

Unknown said...

Your Art is beautiful! I had fun browsing your shops. And I'd love to be entered to win your fantastic work! Thanks!

donna joy said...

beautiful art! count me in~

Anonymous said...

I have JUST discovered your art through OWOH - thanks for your generosity & for participating in OWOH - I am so glad to have discovered your work – I adore you’re give away – obviously created with care & love – it’s fabulous!
Please feel free to participate in my OWOH give away too: cut & paste this link

warm regards
Keron Lee, Melbourne, Australia

crazierinreallife said...

What a great give away. Please enter me in your give away. also please make sure you stop by my blog and enter mine. I absolutely am having a ball again this year playing the OWOH give away

e-mail stampinkaren at charter dot net

Anonymous said...

Would be difficult to choose, they're so nice! Please enter me and stop by mine if you have time.

Morna Crites-Moore said...

Please count me in! :)

Franny said...

This will be definitely a hard choice as they are all so beautiful!

I would jump for joy to win this the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before and I am amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Please enter me, Hugs:)

Danielle said...

Wonderful giveaway. Please add my name to the drawing. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I've been clicking around your Etsy shop and I love everything. Please enter me in your drawing, and come check out mine!

Mel♥ said...

please enter me so beautiful!!
Great Blog

Carol Stocker said...

Oh how WONDERFUL! I would be honored to enter your drawing...I have bookmarked your blog and will be back again soonto browse some more. You have a great eye for color! Hugs, Carol

Michelle said...

The nighttime sky is gorgeous - no wonder the kitty is happily sitting there!!! I would love to be entered in your draw!

Lisa Gatz said...

I would be thrilled to have either! Beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway.

jamaise said...

Ok this is too hard. There are so many prints I really like - the six cats sunflower, red shoes, swirling sky girl, Daisy Girl - there are just so many & in the photographs, I thought the pear did it for me and then I saw the Parisian Pastries (yum) - why didn't we venture outside of the Paris airport?? Because it's like a city of it own that's why - but no Pastries were there. Thank you for a wondeful chance :))


Anonymous said...

Yes, I did receive my mirror - and proudly showed it off at work. I intend to send a handwritten note but that could, literally, take years. Thank you so much!!

Am I being totally dense about the One World project? I can't seem to figure out how to see who else is participating.

Wish I had a craft to play along. I have ideas in mind. Maybe, one day, I'll actually get off my rear and make them.

CreativSpirit said...

I'd love to be entered in your draw to win one of your beautiful prints. Thanks for the opportunity,


SunshineandRavioli said...

Your work is beautiful! Love the vibrant colors...Would love to be signed up for a chance to win. I am participating also, so come visit and sign up for my drawing too!


Anonymous said...

I think I'm late, I should be dressed and on my way...I've been browsing, smiling, reminiscing, dreaming.... seeing the images of prints and photos, from Full Moon Cats to Summer Days to shoes and bubbles and sunsets and night skies! I love the views of your heart... and Heaven.

Jennifer said...

I originally found you through Sara (Dream Big).
The colors you use are vibrant and your paintings are full of happiness.
I would surely love to own one.

If you have a moment, please stop by.

Sam said...

ahhhhhh - you have so many fabulous pictures that I am going crackers trying to decide which one I would choose if I could!!!

Love the roses photo and the garden lace photo - love all your cat prints!!

Anonymous said...

A very generous giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks for participating. Be sure to enter my drawing as well. I'm #434 on the caravan.

Laura S. said...

How fun to find your blog! I love your cats (the sleeping moon is very clever!). Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Your work gives me a warm fuzzy feeling! Beautiful and vibrant! Please count me in and come by and visit.

artbeckons said...

lovely! please include me in your drawing =)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Give - Away ! Pick me please! Thanks for the chance.

Bleubabe at aol dot com

janetfaye said...

I love your prints.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

thanks for the generous giveaway!


Beadyjan said...

How lovely - I just joined owoh - its such fun, please include me and call by my blog to see my giveaway.

Wanda Maria said...

Hi, there! It’s nice meeting you! Please enter my name in your fantastic giveaway. And, when you get a moment, please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway, too. I am giving away 2 handmade resin rings to 2 winners.

Warmest regards,

Wanda Eash

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a sweet cat! I'd love to win it! (See, I've already chosen!) Please enter me in your drawing and please come visit my OWOH giveaway too!

gma said...

Love this!!!Please put my name in your drawing. Also stop by and see my OWOH give away.

Anonymous said...

yedI Love your style, please enter me in your draw and visit me at

Melanie said...

love the cat painting! Count me in!

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

What beautiful artwork! Please add me to your drawing! Please visit my blog if you'd like to enter my giveaway, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this idea! And what a great prize you are offering.

I'm going to do this next year!

AngieHallHaviland said...

What a FUN event this is....making friends through ART is always WONDERFUL!! Please enter me in your drawing!!

Be sure to stop by my blog :O)

Kathy said...

I love your art..please enter my name.. would be hard to choose.. am glad I found your blog

Heidi Jo said...

What a great giveaway- that cat is adorable. If I win, I know I will have no trouble picking out something beautiful. Thanks!

Mistress Girly said...

How fun to get to pick. Please sign me up. thanks

Cathie said...

Specatacular blog, photographs and work. A real feast for the eyes on every level. Please do sign up for a piece of your wonderful art drawing.

Alexandra Lundgren said...

What a wonderful giveaway. It would be very, very difficult to choose!

Kelly Snelling said...

oh i love that kitty print! the colors are fabulous. and as i have a sweet little kitty here, it sure would be exciting to win. happy one world one heart!

Laume said...

Well, I went and took a look and whew, you're making your winner work - tough decisions to be made. But I think I'm up for the job, so I'll throw my name in the hat!

Anonymous said...

please enter me in your giveaway. I love the cat print.

Unknown said...

Thank you for giving away such a wonderful prize! Be sure to visit my blog to enter for mine too. Nice to meet you!

Thanks Bunches!

jackie said...

Oh I love your whimsical art and your lovely photographs! The "Yellow Cottage by the Sea" is especially wonderful! Please add my name.

Rhondi said...

I love cats so I would love to win the little painting

Michele P. said...

I had to check out the prints and photos, they are gorgeous! Not sure which ones I'd pick because there are several that I really like! Please enter me in your drawing!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Jood said...

Oh my...decisions, decisions...please enter me! jood

NorthWoods Country said...

I would love to win that drawing,a cat lover you must be, i have 4 cats my babies :)

Anonymous said...

I have been browsing through your pictures and photographs, wonderful artwork.


Maggie R said...

Love your blog...and your give aways are awesome...So happy to be part of One World One Heart. Such a wonderful opportunity to meet new blogging friends.."Pick Me!!!!"
I am #100.. Come on over if you haven't already...
waving from Cold, Snowy, Southern Ontario, Canada

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