Candles. This small shop is just across the street from where we stayed in Paris on Rue de Seine. It has been in operation for over 400 years! Imagine! I love candles. Don't care for the scented ones much but I LOVE beeswax candles. They have a soft warm honey small and the light appears to glow golden:) Lovely on these dark winter days. I' have one flickering as I write:)
It has started snowing outside. Just a soft dreamy curtain outside my window. My mum was sick last night and today with a stomach flu, poor thing. I just got back from administering chicken broth and toast. We all know how yucky a bug like that can make us feel. I left her wrapped in a snuggly blanket primed for a nap. I am lucky I live so close to her.
Tomorrow we are going to the funeral of a great lady. My sister in law's mother. Dot died very suddenly earlier this week at 86. She was an active, interesting and interested woman. Her daughter,( my sisterinlaw) took her to Switzerland just this fall for a train tour. They had a ball. She was an avid cross country skier and a couple of years ago decided that she wanted to learn downhill skiing(!) her daughters dissuaded her:)) Dot was always baking pies and giving them away, researching topics that interested her, travelling and volunteering. She was a wonderful role model and I am sad that she is gone but she went with her boots on! Living life to it's fullest:)
Oh I'm sorry to hear she passed away! Winter is so hard.
Yes, it's snowing a bit today. Another day inside.
Beeswax candles are very good for allergies. I want to buy some for the coming spring.
First of all, I am so thrilled that I discovered your blog during the One World One Heart Giveaway - I even blogged about it...
Your photographs inspire me and the color on your blog just brightens my day...
I have added you to my blogroll - just because you brighten my day!!!
Secondly, I am sorry that Dot passed away - She must have had a truly wonderful life!!!
So sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful woman that really got all she could from life and gave back too. That's wonderful.
The candles look so cool!
Hope your mom feels better soon.
I am sorry to hear of your loss. I can tell she will be very missed from a lot of people. I hope to make as much out of my little ol' life!
I am glad, though, that I have you as a visitor to my blog. Yours has been one of my favorites from this whirlwind event. I hope its okay that I plan to feature you soon. I haven't picked any order to the ones I've wanted to show my little following. (I keep hearing from blurkers in my email so maybe I have more than I think I do!) I've just kind of randomly gone back to them now that I have my favs in my links list. We'll just say, though, that I am leaving the best for last! If I put a copyright for you over your image, may I borrow one in my post to link you? Don't worry at all if you'd rather not.
I still have lots of lookin' around here I want to do - maybe later tonight. Keep coming by - I love your comments!
p.s. the verification word for this comment is paries and at first I thought it said paris - how appropriate.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
The photo of the candles is spectacular. The colors! I like scent candles like sandlewood. I also like wax candles for romantic dinners.
What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful sounding lady, Shelagh. I can only hope to live my life like that!
I hope your Mum will feel better soon! That nasty bug is going around.
Lovely photo! At first I thought they were all colored art markers.
That's the way I want to go - old and active
awww...I'm so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law's mom. Thinking of you guys!! xox...jenn
Sorry to hear of your loss. :(
In response to your comment, it's hard to bond with a place that tortures you for so much of the year. I have been to many beautiful places here but they are not where I live. As a pedestrian, they will always be tourist spots. I have no community here to connect to. No real reason to leave my house. Even the lovely the places, I have no real connection to. The same thing would happen to people from the Maritimes who were transferred to BC. They would complain about it ALL the time and I couldn't understand it. Now, I do. When a place isn't your home, it isn't your home. I'm trying to make a home here but it still, just, isn't. How can it be when it hurts me so much? It makes me sad too. I didn't come here to be miserable. Nature just isn't giving me a choice, I have to go back to BC eventually. I can't live with this pain indefinitely. Thanks for your concern and friendship.
That is a special store - 400 years -wow! And it must smell good inside, too.
Dot also was a special woman. She really did live life to its fullest.
Hope your mom feels better soon!
Hello I'm new, I hope your Mum is feeling better by now, and sorry to hear that the wonderful elderly lady passed away, she sounds like she was a real character! I only just stumbled upon your blog and have been enjoying visiting your photo's on flickr, they are so cheery and colourful thank you so much I really felt in need of some cheer on a dark rainy Saturday afternoon in January, so many thanks I shall be visiting again!
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