This is my mailbox. It sits at the bottom of my front door on the step. I love lifting the lid to see if any goodies have arrived. It is like opening a present. Don't you just love getting mail? I used to regularly write to my grandmothers and could always count a letter or two from them, full of recipes and bits and pieces of their daily life. I have another friend M :) who has always been a wonderful and faithful letter writer. Something I am sporadic at and now with email, have almost stopped :(
I want to change that because the gift of a hand written note or letter is something that adds a brightness to the receiver's day. Who doesn't love getting a delicious letter to savor over a cup of tea at the kitchen table or curled up in a comfy chair with a glass of wine. Simple pleasures....
I couldn't agree more. Christmas time is wonderful...receiving cards and notes from family and friends. The rest of the year, it's just bills for us:(
LOVE your mailbox! Did you paint it yourself?
That is a fantastic mailbox! And I agree...I love letters. I used to have a few friends that were regular pen pals, but it's been at least a decade since I've sat down to write an actual letter. I miss those days.
I love getting mail, and I think I subscribe to many magazines just for the joy of getting something in my mailbox beside bills and charity requests :-)
Today's mail brought your charming blog give away prize mirror. Shelagh! Thank you so much! It's very pretty and will be perfect in my purse.
Your mail box is very pretty!
What a great mailbox...it's so cute. I'm like a kid. I wait everyday for the mailman to come and I run down to the street to see if I got any mial just for me...I love getting magazines and catalogs...Nobody ever sends cards or letters anymore...that's a shame.
It's true that handwritten post is wonderful... and yet so rare these days. What a fun post box!
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I love mail but now it seems to just be junk mail and bills. Growing up isn't as great as I thought it would be. When I was young I'd write letter after letter eager to get thick juicy packets back from friends. I wonder how I can bring this back into my life.
i LOVE getting mail :) its always exciting to open up my mailbox :)
i love your beautiful painted mailbox, so bright and fun. i painted ours a bright apple green!
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