Celestial Poppies original available now on eBay.
As I was painting this I decided to put on the TV for a little distraction and scrolled through looking for something to watch (rather, listen to because most of my time is spent concentrating on what I am doing:) I found a movie that looked interesting and quickly got into it. Well, soon the tears were pouring down my face. It was the Notebook! A movie I have tried to avoid because of the sob factor. Sheesh. What a story. I have to say that I did enjoy it despite the wrenching of the heartstrings.
Today is a rainy, put on the kettle and make a cup of tea sort of day and that is exactly what I plan to do when I finish posting this:) Enjoy yours!
Oh my I sure did have a bit of a cry during that film... And I also sometimes need a film going while I paint. Love the painting... the whole film, paint, tears formula must have worked!
The result is beautiful.
...sorry for the tears, but sometimes they really are cleansing and a spark for the creative...the painting was certainly worth the result...love it! xo, mickey
Hi, Shelagh! Gorgeous painting! We all need a good tear-jerker movie now and then! :-)
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