Okay, okay, you KNOW I had to start with this...my fave part of a trip to Peggy's Cove! I have no willpower when it comes to warm gingerbread with whipped cream and... soft ice cream melting on the other side!!!
Then a visit to the gift shop.....
Loads of trinkets and souvenirs. Some are ticky tacky and some quite nice.
Next, the grand lady herself! The star of the show.
We were lucky because it was a lovely day. The wind was brisk but really for November,
it was terrific. Not many souls about at all.
Here are a couple of people on the rocks just to give you an idea of the scale of the place.
It is a wonderful granite playground!
Reminder: last day to enter bloggy birthday giveaway:)
what a lovely day:))
and that gingerbread with whipped cream -- Mmmmm good!:)
These photos are fabulous! and SCRUMPTIOUS!!
Looks like the lighthouse was repainted not too long ago -- so fresh and white!
I live 20 minutes from Peggy's Cove - it doesn't matter how many times you go there or how many pictures you see, it's always breathtaking. We're so lucky to live in Nova Scotia!
Shelagh, this became one of my favorite places in the world, even though I only got to spend just a short time there when I was on a New Englamd / Canada cruise five years ago.
I did have a piece of the delicious gingerbread and I mailed a few postcards from the little post office located inside the lighthouse.
I remember photos you took years ago of a couple sitting on the rocks during a storm. They were so dramatic!
Fabulous. Sigh.
You have sealed it for me. We are having folk in for dinner this weekend, I got whipping cream and thought of gingerbread, but now it is gingerbread and whipped cream for sure. I also will make a tangy lemon sauce to go with it. When times were tough and Mom did not have lemons, she would make a vinegar sauce - tart and sweet!
Thanks for a view of the cove and the beautiful rocks again. Peg in BC
look at those photos! and, oh! gingerbread w/whipped cream...one of my all-time faves (sigh). :)
I've eaten their gingerbread with whipped cream. And yum is correct! What a nice day you had!
Your photographs are fantastic! I love how you captured the light. Gorgeous!
One of my all time favorite places to return to...year after year. Great photos made me feel like I was back again.
Tail Wags.
Gosh, what a perfect day.
Complete with gingerbread!
Absolutely breathtaking! You've got me wanting to take a visit there this weekend now. I feel so lucky to live so close :-)
Between yours and your friends blog I really need to find a piece of warm gingerbread. Maybe I'll bake some with Dusty tomorrow.
Peggy's Cove is ALWAYS a great place to visit... well except in a snow storm or hurricane I suppose.. .great pictures (0;
...two of my favorite things...hot gingerbread and the infamous peggy's cove. we really did love it there. in fact, i have a poem above my desk that joey wrote about our visit to peggy's...he was so taken with it...breathtaking splendor indeed! xo, mickey
GORGEOUS! Reminds me of home and so lovely to see! Thank you for sharing.
Wow, this is a really beautiful location.
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