middle of the week reflections....
Loving my new haircut:)
Looking forward to the symphony tomorrow night. A friend won tickets and I am the lucky gal who gets to accompany her:)
Making headway on the paper filing situation:)
Did another large painting and 1/2 of one more
Got lots of exercise, my knee hurts :(
Ate too many cheesies. Darn those orange beasties!
Gotta get the snow tires on my car
Oh yes, saw David Copperfield on Monday...interesting,... he seemed a bit tired/jaded but still can pull those major tricks out of his hat.
Hope you are having a productive week!
Sounds like a great week! David Copperfield.. yeah, I'de imagine after all these years of the act, it gets old. Him too :-)
Love your new haircut and the gold streaking. Oh waith, that's not you pictured. LOL! (I couldn't resist.)
Sounds like you've had a fun and busy week.
Sounds good for sure! Let's see the haircut....
It is a great week here. Have a little show on Sunday and I'm almost ready. Chee Hoo!
I would LOVE to be a participant in one of your deep fried festivals!!.. and.. I've had deepfried oreos...they are delightful.
RYC: thanks for your comment. I would really love to participate in bustamove, but am intimidated at raising $1,000. Is everyone each responsible for that much, or do the halifaxchicks have another fundraising plan?
I'm going to the symphony with friends who also won tickets for tonight :-) I'll be wearing a white rose on my lapel ;-)
What a week! Sounds like you are grateful for your life. Nice to hear! I am a follower, now, Love your inspirations! Thank you!
i wanna see the haircut!! i giggled about david copperfield. i'm envisioning a really bad fake tan, a lot of make up, bad hair piece and a belly. hahahaaaa!!!
happy weekend:):) xox
...sounds like a very fun and productive week...can't wait to see the hair cut! xo, mickey
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