I had a wake up call last week and it has stayed with me these last ten days.......
During a fitness class on a Wednesday morning, a charming woman whom I'd just said hello to for the first time, sat down suddenly, looking pale and a bit distressed. Her friends gathered round and put her in the recovery position. She was nauseated and had pain in her head. Soon paramedics arrived and she was taken to the hospital......... she died. It was a brain aneurysm.
I can't stop thinking that I witnessed her last good half hour on this earth. That morning when she got up she donned a cheery red t-shirt. She might have had dishes in the sink ready to finish when she got home, maybe she had to get ready for work, all plans that did not matter any more. We just don't know do we......... be grateful for every minute you have.
My dad was a physician and he used to say that life was really like a roulette wheel, you never know where the ball will land. People who look after themselves can go suddenly and those that abuse can live long lives. Live your life in moderation, do the best you can, and if you really,really want that cupcake, go for it.
oh alice, what a thing to see. how unnerving; but you have gleaned the wisest of messages from the incident. i feel for her. and you. i did have the cupcake. and i have learned to be very very present. xo
soon i will get to open the alice box! i shipped susans finally.
Oh Shelagh that is so very sad. I would have a tough time moving past that as well. We never know do we? I try very, very hard to live for today. To not worry about the past and to not stress about the future. Life is so wonderful when you enjoy the moment you are in.....every moment of every day.
My thoughts go out to her family and to you my friend.
I honestly believe that all we can do is to do our best each and every day. When we falter, we need to forgive ourselves and try again. We need to take care of ourselves the best we know how and the rest is going to be what it is going to be.
Have a nice weekend. :)
oh, that dog is me, alice. chickory.
That is so hard. I hate to say this but it's that time of year. I just found out about someone who passed away just yesterday. It's one of the reasons winter freaks me out. It does remind us how important life is though, doesn't it? And fragile.
Wow, that cupcake looks amazing. I think treats are important to keep life tasty and interesting.
A sobering experience, indeed. How sad for her family, particularly at this time of year.
after losing three close friends at early ages, and after working in a trauma unit for 7 years i am constantly aware of the need to live like there's no tomorrow -- or as you said, "everything in moderation"
The same thing happened to me several years ago. It is really shocking to see someone go from being alive and vibrant to dead in such a brief period of time. For me it is a constant reminder to live in the now. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff or to worry and stress out about what was or might be.
so true that EVERY moment is to be cherished. thank you for this important reminder.
Well said.
That will wake you up for sure. We just have to live everyday like you said the best we can...and find joy and peace in all the little things...
It's so true, live every day as if it were your last. The hardest part of life is that it will end. For some, far sooner than it should.
I always have that cupcake :-)
You are so wise.
So sad! It's so true, Shelagh, to enjoy each day, as none of us ever know....
Alwasys do something everyday that makes us happy and never forget to tell those around us that we love them!
Amen! You are so right, we have to value every moment, how shocking for you to see someone pass like that.
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