Guess what I made from this? Yep, cauliflower soup. Easy peasy recipe. I always mix and match according to what I have on hand. February calls for warm comforting bowls of food.
I watched the Ladies figure skating short programs last night. These late nights are wreaking havock with my equilibrium. I tend to be an early to bed early to rise kind of gal. I wanted to see and support Canadian skater Joannie Rochette even if just in spirit. Her mum flew out to Vancouver to be with her and unexpectedly died of a heart attack on Sunday. Joanie is an only child and very close to her mum. She is devastated but determined to honor her mom's memory by skating at these Olympics. Last night she skated her personal best score and came in third. It was a wonderful skate. She was crying as she finished. My heart goes out to her..... Tomorrow is the long program.
She skated a fantastic program, didn't she? It would be wonderful if she finished in the medals, but tomorrow night will tell! The time difference for watching the Olympics isn't too bad here in Alberta, because we're only one hour ahead of BC, not three like you!
Actually (*counting on fingers*) FOUR like you! Math was never my strong suit.
I watched them skate too ... I love skating...And, I think she skated a beautiful program!!!
My heart goes out to that young lady. Bless her heart for performing. The soup sounds wonderful. I'm making a veggie soup tonight!
I have been glued to the TV late at night watching figure skating and curling... It's starting to catch up with me too.
Joannie's skate last night was very touching. My heart breaks.
Last night I had fried onion rings, hot wings and half of a cheeseburger... I am so ready for something healthy and that picture looks exactly like what I need right now! I feel the need to grocery shop!
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