I've spent a fair bit of time in Greece but it has been a long time since I was there last. I don't write journals as a rule. I do have a bazillion of notebooks on the go with bits and pieces, thoughts, lists, etc BUT when I am traveling I do keep a journal. Last night I was browsing through some of them and got such a wave of nostagia. Some of the things I don't remember. I am not a great sleeper and I am convinced that has something to do with it. *My theory is that sound sleepers have better memories*
Anyway....here is one of the excerpts.(I was traveling with a girl named Trish I had met on the ferry to Greece. She was from Vancouver.) Gythion, in the southern Peloponnesos. We were staying in an old house in a ground level room with windows open to a lovely courtyard full of potted geraniums and grape vine trellises.
Bed , exhausted after a long day exploring and on the beach. Today's temperature was around 100. About 3am, I heard a tap on the far window shutter. I immediately woke up and strained to hear more. Wondering who or what was out there.... Then I saw a hand slowly reach through the sheer curtains. Our shutters and windows are always open because it is too hot otherwise. Anyway, I froze with fear. Suddenly, I saw the thin shape of a cat slink through the window. What a relief, I thought it was a person! About five minutes later, what sounded like an old woman moaning and then a strident cat's reply, back and forth nonstop until a crescendo was reached and then dead silence. I was pretty unnerved. All this seemed to be happening within a foot of my head!
I sat up for a while and then finally laid down. All of a sudden a cat jumped over my head through the window!! I leaped up and scared it away. Woke Trish in the process. I can't believe she slept through all that racket. We shut the windows but it was too hot so then had to open them again. I got up and went outside. Tomcats fighting, must be a female in heat somewhere. I decided to sleep in the big bed with Trish, away from open windows and further stray cats climbing over me! Took AGES to get to sleep, donkeys braying, old man next door coughing, shuffling down the hall to the bathroom. Finally I fell asleep zzzzzzzzzzz
Antiparos, sunset
Ok, Shelagh! I am ready to go to Greece too! This is a dream of mine... Spain as well as Portugal too... I have been to Europe a few times but barely touched Spain... The picture with the colorful chairs is beautiful, would love to spend time there ... Hang on, spring will be here soon! Take care, LuLu
I'm not surprised you didn't sleep that night! Pretty hairy story, (pun intended!!:) No really, I'd have been in Trish's bed double quick time I can tell you!
Oh my goodness...what an experience! How nice that you have the journals to go back and remind you the details.
:-) i am a sound sleeper so would have missed all the excitement ... tee hee xo
isn't it amazing to have journals to look back on? I kind of look at my original blog (before LTRD) as a diary for my daughter to look back on ... to see what we did and where we went. I can't imagine what I'll feel like reading it in the future. I read my diaries now from 15 years ago and think 'gosh, was that really me?' Strange - but fascinating! And oh how I love Greece :-)
Hi Shelagh..I love the picture of the old man and the tables....and your night of disturbed sleep reminds me of everynight with the Boss and his snoring.....
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