Another summery shot to cheer myself up:) This is the porch of a house in a wonderful town called Mahone Bay. It is an ocean side community, so a lot of lovely woodwork can be found as a result of the bountiful shipbuilding talent. This place is known for it's three churches. I live about an hour away. Take a look, it is gorgeous.
We are expecting a big blow today. More snow and freezing rain. Schools in the southern half of the province are already closed. The sky has darkened since I started to write, so I imagine it will start here within the hour. My daughter is headed out the door to school soon, she'll be coming home in the midst of it. Hope the buses are running.
I am really tired today. Guess who was up until late, late, late, early, finishing a paper? Guess who was up supporting, because stuff like that stresses me out and I cannot relax!? *Takes another sip of tea* Ah, the lessons of life....
Oh how this picture makes me hope for an early spring! I'm East Coast and like you, we're to get another blast. :-0
Beautiful photo! Beautiful woodwork and flowers. I can picture myself sitting on the porch watching the world go by in slow-motion! :-)
Bonjour Shelagh! I keep so many good souvenirs of my trip to Nova Scotia years ago. Too bad it is such a long haul from Southern Quebec, I would visit the island more often... Snow is here again, let's face it we are still in only in February, aren't we? Spring will be here soon and we are so lucky to be able to live these days of bliss that people living in year-round mild weather do not experience! Take care, LuLu
That is a cheery yellow house. And the woodwork is exquisite!
The town looks beautiful. My husband and I have vowed to visit Nova Scotia sometime in the not so distant future.
Stay safe and warm!
Ahhhh motherhood, mine is only 4 but i'm sure I have a lot of staying up late supporting, (or waiting up for) to look forward to.
Beautiful sunny photo...those days will be here soon.
Ohh I love this picture. THat porch looks soooo inviting. I also love the little bit of lavender in some of the flowers.
There will be many late nights, some fun, some not, during your motherhood years. But they are all worth it, such memories........
Take it easy, girl. Spring is round the corner. You Nova Scotian women are from strong stock.
This photo is beautiful and makes me sigh. It looks as if it could be one of your paintings.
HUnker DOWN, Shelagh!
We had weird tornadoes here last night. Blew a house away and killed some poor bloke in the next town.
Love the woodwork on that porch. When I pass by, I always think it would be a beautiful B&B to stay at. Mahone Bay is a little lonely at this time of year...not the hustle and bustle of summertime.
so beautiful and exactly why most of my walls in my house are yellow ... brightens up my world for the long months of white white white .. soon, soon it will be spring :)
We got a little snow...not much. And, not nearly what we were expecting.
Loved looking at the photos of Mahone Bay. Beautiful place!
Beautiful. I love Mahone Bay - I could spend every penny I have in the shops there!
What an awesome photo! I can just see myself sitting on that porch!
Such a warm colour on a cold day.
That summery looking house couldn't possibly be where it's cold and snowy....It belongs in Florida!!
This is a beautful house porch Shelagh. I wish I couold see the whole house!
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