This is one of the fountains in the Halifax Public Gardens. A wonderful spot to while away some peaceful hours.
Today won't be one of those days:) I have a friend coming over for a photo shoot in a short while. She is a Yoga teacher and we are going to take advantage of the billowing Forget-me-nots in my neighbors back yard for her to pose in. Ohhhhmmm.
This afternoon I am walking to help raise awareness about Darfur. A dreadful situation that is only increasing in scope. 1:30 at St. Agnes School Parking lot on Mumford to Parade Square, if anyone local is interested. So glad it is a lovely day for it. Organized by my wee friend.
Last but not least, this evening is Book Club at my place! I spent yesterday cleaning so all is well. It is a small group but lots of fun. I think we spend five minutes discussing the book and then we are off onto every topic under the sun:) More of an excuse to get together I think.
Ongoing is my "Letter Revival Festival"(until June 14) If you like receiving interesting mail and don't mind sending a letter ...this is for you! Click on the banner to learn more:) I would be happy if you could spread the word, you can use this wee banner .
I think it's wonderful that you are participating in a demonstration concerning Darfur. I was in the Darfur-Beijing campaign organized by my university here in Paris to call attention to the connection China has to the violence. I hope a lot of people show up and it gets the attention it so needs and deserves!
On a separate note -- I love book clubs. I kind of want to start one.
Sure sounds like a wonderful day to me. And any time we can help is a great day.
I agree. Sounds like a good day and a good life. Wee Friend's blog link did not show up!
...sounds like you had a great day shelagh...walking for a great cause and oh, i love get togethers for any reason, but a book club sounds like a great time. xo, mickey
So, I have really been feeling the need to get to know Halifax lately. You are giving me so many ideas of where to go. I think I'll take the Sheilagh tour. Keep those gorgeous photos coming to help me with my itinerary.
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