Fresh canvas, clean brushes, paint at hand, rainy day. I have high hopes.
Lots to get done. The postcards I ordered arrived and they look lovely! I've got to figure out some cute packaging. I will be selling them in sets.
Just don't want to get distracted with this sort of thing....... so easy to do on a day like today. One of the perils of working from home.
Hope you weren't offended by yesterday's post. lol.
2011 Calendars available here.
Offended by yesterday's post? "A man's a man for all that!"
Me? Offended by yesterday's post? Never! I was totally delighted by it in all ways possible. Loved the garden and ALL of the photos. I even went back and left a second comment. ;) Can't wait to see your postcards.
Looks like a good day to me!
interlibrary loan
register with your library card and last 4 digits of your phone # as your password. Search all of Nova Scotia by subject, author, word, title ...
books then will be delivered to you at the library of your choice. It will change your life xo S & Gang
Hope you got lots done. We had sunshine and 24C yesterday!
Your calendars look wonderful. Lulu calendars are top notch quality...your customers will love them!
Would love to see photos of your postcards... I love painting!! Insert giggle, ummm, yesterday's post ...well, God did create man, indeed... and he did have clothing on.... I thought it was most humorous.
Noticed you are in Nova Scotia. I just had to say I'm a huge Anne of Green Gables fan... love all the Lucy Maude Montgomery books and am slowly building my own collection. They are among my most treasured possessions.
Are those digestives? Yummmm!
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