6 cat couch
This what I would rather be doing, preferably with a book involved but instead I am on the countdown for tomorrow!
I underestimated how long it would take to make new prints. Ack. I usually do them up on demand as orders come in, so I don't have a lot of stock. So I've been printing at least two of each. One to put in a binder, as a sample and one to sell. It's just as well really, I should have had a proper binder with my portfolio ages ago. The ones that don't go, I will have on hand for my Etsy shop. I'm burning up ink and paper and time:)
I had lots of plans for other things but not sure if I will have the time to get them done today:(
We shall see.
Got lots of tummy yummies. A neighbor brought over two large plates of home made Christmas sweets. Very thoughtful. I've been to Costco and stocked up on other things. I'll be serving warm mulled apple cider. That's easy to do. Two helpers are lined up to make the day easier for me and give me some support. My mum will be the official mascot:) So now there is lots still to do and I must be at it.
I do hope I have some visitors tomorrow. It's one of those things. You never know. People forget, get headaches, other events pop up, too tired, no money, lots of reasons not to come BUT no money should not be one of the reasons. Pop by for a visit and a look see and share some munchies:) I welcome you:)
Hi I absolutely love your artwork. As an avid cat lover your art resonates strongly with me.
I had a cat for 18 years that passed away a few months ago. I miss him so!! Do you do art comissions?
Hi I, Thanks so much! I get asked that question a lot and I am sorry to say that at the moment, no, I don't do commissions. I am always painting and if you check my ebay auctions you might just see a painting that resembles your cat. It is so sad when we lose out pets:(
AHHH!! I love it!
Looks like my couch sometimes!
I bought this print form you so you know I love it! :-)
I hope your open house went well!
I just love your style! So fun and bright.
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