My video, Rap Ditty Nova Scotia, is up and awaiting your vote:) I must first say that it is a bit primitive. Poor audio and picture quality and on my computer it bucks and jumps and the pics lag behind the sound:( I hope that's just on my computer because the finished video was absolutely fine in terms of pics and sound synching up. What it lacks in quality it makes up for in SPIRIT! Yay! Nova Scotia!

Maybe let the video load a bit before pressing start? Send the link to your friends and family, vote once a day! Help this gal win a big Nova Scotia party to which, of course, you will all be invited! Really! I have no idea how to get over 20,000 legitimate votes but I can just do the best I can. Any ideas? Any creative marketing folk out there? Also, let me know if it runs smoothly on your machine!
There is a cast of 58 in this wee video:) Thanks to all who participated:)
Here is the link!! Vote then to scroll down to lock in your vote:) Thanks!
Rap Ditty Nova Scotia

Yay! I voted! It's fab!!! Do you feature in there I wonder?????????? I hope you win, I am going to post a link to it on my FB etc. Good luck :-) PS. it played fine for me.
It played fine for us here in Colorado. You have our vote & thought it was done excellent "rap" rhyme. Maybe you can also put some links on Craigs List, you Ebay site, hand out some little "business" type cards all over Halifax, if your CBC radio station has a free "calendar of events" post something on there, have your grocery store make some announcements, etc.... We wish you luck.
Tail Wags to All.
Off to vote. You'll invite me over on holiday if you win, right?
I of course went and voted for you...
And, I loved the video!!! You did an excellent job....
Okay - now you need to tell everyone on Facebook to go vote for you...
I voted for you! Hope you win! It was such a lovely fun video! (wish those hot English guys were in it though! hee hee)
I Love Nova Scotia too. I couldn't have said or sung it better so you got my vote. Super fun.
I got so flustered by your English men I forgot to tell you . . . there's a little award waiting for you on my blog. It's in a post dated Aug. 13. Just a little smile . . .
I vote as often as I can!!! Love it so so so much, and I had no idea that so many people I know and love were involved! :D
Great job, you make me miss NS more than I thought possible!
You know how I feel about Nova Scotia. I'm heading over there to vote right now!
It played just fine on my computer down here in Massachusetts. You have my vote & I'm passing your video on to everyone I know. Great job though that Nova Scotian accent made it tough to understand (just kidding, I love it!) And people say we have accents down here in Boston!
Good luck! Marsha from Massachusetts
Shelagh, your video has that Nova Scotian feel to it. Love the dancing in the pedway :)
you are so funny! i just voted for you of course
Anyone would love Nova Scotia after seeing your pictures. How beautiful!!
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