Headed to "the Valley" today. Wolfville in particular, a charming University town. Lots of great fruit and veggie stands. Farms all around. We are staying in a Victorian B&B for the night. I can hardly wait. First time out of the city, really all summer. Looking forward to puttering and relaxing. My daughter has a friend there so they will hang out, which will be nice. I think my mom wants to see a play and I plan to do nothing!
Thanks so much for all the votes!!! Keep em coming.. here is today's reminder to vote for Rap Ditty Nova Scotia I think it is about the 4th one down.
Oh....and look who's coming to visit on Sunday!!!!!
Enjoy your visit to Wolfville. You picked a great day to visit as the temperatures and humidity are a little more tolerable today than the past few days. If you're staying at "The Blomidon Inn" you're in for a treat, and the shops in town are wonderful as well plus there are great cafes when you need a break.Cheers!
beautiful shot! have a great time
Wolfville! My favourite place in the world! Hennigar's market! Blueberry ale at Paddy and Rosie's! (I wish I was there, can you tell?) If you ever need to stay there again, consider going to see Mary at Carwarden B&B in Port Williams. We have stayed there 8 times now, and will again next year.
I can almost smell those scrumptious looking peaches! What a lovely mouth watering photo! Hope you have a great little trip. Guess what! It sounds PERFECT. (for that perfect place you live in and nearby apparently!)
...oh i love peaches...besides eating them fresh, i like them poached with a wee bit of cinnamon and sugar on top...yum, yum! have a great time in wolfville. xo, mickey
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