Mini Sunflower on eBay now!
4"x4" $25.00
So....I'm deep in the throes of my "fly by the seat of my pants", "get it done as fast as I can" "doesn't matter if it's not perfect".... two minute production! 2 minutes is a long time. I still have a lot of shots I need to get. It is fun though. I do feel disheartened by the two entries with 18,000+ votes! I see that NS Tourism site has now put up a barrier to prevent hack voting which I am sure has transpired. What would be grand is if on Aug. 31st, the counters are rolled back to 0 and everyone starts on an even playing field:) Fair is fair.
Foggy day today, sunshine rest of the week! Good day to get the inside things done...like getting rid of gigantic dust bunnies which have been growing for a while now.
You go girl ... and thank you for the kind vote of confidence I do believe that I'm on my way and I also know at times it will continue to feel very daunting and overwhelming. Comments like yours make me also feel - "very" hopeful. xo S & les Gang
I saw a row of sunflowers today in a neighbor's yard. Lovely painting!
Hi, Shelagh! Pretty, cheerful sunflower! Good luck with your video! :-)
...wow what gorgeous colours and boy do they pop! i love it as i do all your work! have a great day, xo, mickey
Be sure to e-mail me (or blog comment me) when you get your video up! I know it will be beautiful ---you ahve taken so many wonderful photos of Nova Scotia over the years!
I just watched about half of the videos already posted. Dare I say I think you have a whale of a chance if they start the ticker over! You are one smart and creative chick. When it's time to rally the votes, let me know. Go Shelagh!!!!
I just browsed your paintings, and find them so vibrant and delightful, just like you! It was wonderful to meet you today at Niche.
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