Sunday, January 31, 2010

BustaMove recap!

Who wears short shorts?
Some of you will be really interested and others not so much, but here is Saturday's story......The day dawned cold and bitter but we were ready to get moving and nothing was going to deter us. It was very exciting to wake up to "the day".

What an event! The organization for it was flawless. We each were assigned a participant number and that tied together all the little details. Baggage check, waiver, registration, spot on the floor, etc... Everything flowed smoothly and all details covered. The Metro Centre looked fab! Each of those pink squares is a towel and represents a person!

Our team, the HalifaxChicks, met bright and early ready to kick some a*=%. Actually I think it was our own a*+% s we kicked! lol. Don't we look raring to go!

Ben Boudreau, a member of the RetroActives team. Looking very retro:) He is responsible for the creation of the HalifaxChicks team. In October he organized an info session for us on BustaMove and the rest is history....

Jon Mullane started things off as people were arriving and getting themselves oriented.

Some of the costumes were great! These bulbs actually switched on and off:)

6 hours of exercise folks! I discovered I was able to take my camera on the floor and managed to snap a couple of "action" pics. I was too busy during the aerobic stuff but this was the pilates. session in hour four. The towels came in handy:)

There was wonderful food all through the day that changed as the hours wore on. Sweet loaves, yogurt, muffins, fruit, sandwich wraps, apple chips, veggies and dip. Drinks, including coffee. A massage room with over a dozen masseuses.

This is the yoga. I sat up from lying down and had to take a picture. I imagine it must have been a remarkable sight for the instructor.
In the middle of the day, we broke two world records! There was a judge from the Guiness Word Record book and so everything had to be done according to a certain protocol to make sure they would be "legal"records. We all hugged for 10 seconds. One record broken, and then we formed a "conga line" and after learning several massage routines, had to perform them on the person in front of us for four minutes, thus breaking another record!

and then in hour 6.......the moment we'd all been waiting for:) The Weight Saint himself arrived running through the participants on the floor to arrive on the stage! Richard Simmons!

He soon had the stage filled with children who had been performers and as the hour wore on, more and more people were hauled up to join him.

and it got sillier and sillier but what a laugh we all had. He distracted us from the exhaustion and weariness:) At the end of it all there was a lovely heartfelt message from him about the importance of being true to ourselves.

At the end of it all, the tally was revealed.......$1,143169.oo!! The Halifaxchicks team raised almost $12,000 of that. Yay us. We did it!

Congratulations to the organizers, participants , fitness instructors and volunteers!
Thanks to all of you who donated!!!


michelle said...

i'm so proud of all of you #halifaxchicks! :)

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful day and such a wonderful record in pix, thanks shelagh for all your hard work

Unknown said...

sounds like an amazing day! You should all be very proud of yourselves for helping to achieve those records & the $1+ million!

Kathy said...

Oh Shelagh that is so awesome. I have tears in my eyes. You must all feel so good! I can't stop smiling. :)

Moose said...

Excellent job & Tail Wags to All!

Melanie (@lifeofmytime) said...

What an amazing experience Bust A Move has been, right from the moment we first found out about it. Thanks Shelagh for being our fearless leader - your spirit and energy kept us going through these past few months!

Unknown said...

Fabulous! Congratulations on your achievement. :)

witchypoo said...

Wonderful! I bet those t-shirts would bring a nice price as a fundraising item for next year!

Anonymous said...

How totally awesome... :-)

nicolacourtney said...

great pics, Shelagh!!

Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

Congralations Shelagh and everyone that participated. I'm sure it is something that you all will remember forever. I enjoyed your recap.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow! The sight of all those pink towels on the arena floor is awesome! What a wonderful story. Glad you had such a great day!

Paula said...

Wow! Sounds like and incredible day. It must have been a complete hoot and so rewarding. Very cool~

Ben said...

Love the photos! I didn't manage to snag any myself so I'm happily stealing them from others.

You pockets in the short shorts.

Anne Chisholm said...

Congratulations to all. What successful fundraiser. Would like to know who is who in the Halifax Chicks photo. Could you put their names (or Twitter name) under the picture or are they too shy :)

Tee said...


Shanrock said...

Way to go @halifaxchicks. Love it!

Kimberly said...

Just catching up on my feed. You ladies looked Halifabulous! Congratulations on the remarkable accomplishment!