One of my favourite haunts! Libraries and bookstores fill me with intense calm and excitement at the same time. When I was a little girl we would make the trip to the library once a week and I would load up on Dr. Seuss, Curious George and Babar books. My brothers and I would plonk ourselves on the floor and get lost in the possibilities of choice. So hard to decide which books to bring home. I still tend to get carried away and bring home too many books.
This is the Keshen Goodman Library. I've never thought to bring my camera there before. I write this it is snowing! Sideways backwards and upside down. The wind is blowing it everywhere. My daughter has to go to work at 1pm. I think it will terrible out there by then:( I am thinking the bus would be a better choice than driving. Those first few winter drives are always nerve wracking. No salt on the roads yet, lots of slippy sliding.
The wee reindeer in this picture is a fellow I fell in love with. Covered in birch bark and sparkly salt crystals, I spied him in a window display.
Ooh and my latest discovery this weekend was born out of a desperate desire to recreate this! I had bought a box as a splurge and loved it! So, when it was finished I decided to try my own version. It worked! 2 bags of any decaffe tea, 2 bags of Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice tea which I adore and always have), 5 green cardamon pods about 4 cups of water and simmer till dark and inky. House smells wonderful. Add honey and serve half milk and half chai mixture. Yum.
Also... today is the 92 Anniversary of the Halifax Explosion. You can see some rare film footage here.
December Views
Did you know the library downtown is one of the most haunted places in Halifax? I want to go before its closed and demolished.
Yes, the snow is coming down, quite brutally. So sad what people went through on this day here years ago, guess it's fitting we're getting a snowstorm today.
The library looks wonderful. We are expecting snow later today and then one that could be big on Wednesday. It's that time of year. Those deer are awesome!! That recipe sounds amazing!
Oh, and I am a Starbucks Chai Latte addict. I am trying to cut myself down to one per week from 5 per week...the cost is way beyond my budget. This is exactly what they serve there.
I am going to give this a try. Where the heck do I get cardamon pods???
Libraries. Bookshops. Just the best places ever!!
I love libraries! Your library is big and beautiful! WOW. I just have a very small library...
I'll have to take photos one day...
Love it! Of course libraries and bookstores are two of my favorite places as well.
came over from december views
I have a Kindle now but only use it for traveling. A printed book is the perfect format for reading.
Libraries and book stores, in particular Barnes and Noble, are such a joy to visit. I love going to the book store the most because I can buy a cup of coffee, find a stack of books I am interested in, seek out a comfy chair and explore different worlds. I also get a lot of creative energy there too. The only problem for me is it is like a candy store and I want it all!
I hope you are having a great day!
Thanks for that Halifax explosion link - the film is just astounding! I remember being really affected by the explosion exhibit in the Maritime Museum the first time we went there and surprised that the explosion isn't more well known.
We must be sisters from other mothers! My idea of a great Saturday is a trip to the library! Bookstores put me in a happy haze. My dream library is the one in Disney's Beauty and the Beast-one of my Happy Places.
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