Scottish shortbread:) You are looking at the end of my current affair with naughty food. Now onto veggies and soup and fibre and protein:)
There's a show here in Canada called XWeighted. Sort of like Biggest Loser but not anywhere near the scale. (pun that I didn't get until rereading:) Actually it is not like Biggest Loser at all now that I think of it. It is a show about losing weight. In January they are starting six month "at home challenge" (for some reason it says page not found, click on the wee blue "home")I think I will sign up on January 9th :) Sound like a plan?
Today is the Big Draw. I am headed to the QE11 Foundation office later to get the winning ticket drawn. Exciting! Thanks to all who donated and to everyone else, thanks for bearing with all my fund raising beseeching.
But first I have to get my hair cut:)
Hi ALice
Lovely blog here! Hopping by for a visit!
Ohhh, thanks for the heads-up. I'm gonna go ck it out!
Those look great. I have 2 of my favorite cookies left and then that's it. All gone. I sent the rest of the naughty food back to Colorado with Matt.
That looks like exceptionally fine shortbread. A-a-a-a-and now I'm hungry.
Just cruel! I was also going to end my holiday affair with sugar and fat until I saw your beautiful shortbread photo. Now I have to go have a cookie. Or two. Happy New Year.
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