Gigi and robin chick. A picture from my childhood:) This wee bird fell from a nest or something, can't remember now... so we brought it in and made a lined box and fed it with an eyedropper and then put it back outside I think. Must ask my mum. Gigi did not know what to make of it! We were always rescuing small birds and animals.
Our family had two Siamese cats, Gigi was neurotic and twitchy, Topaz was round and cuddly. To this day I still miss them. They both had separate litters of kittens in my bedroom cupboard! I remember how as soon as they were able, they would laboriously pick up each kitten by the scruff of the neck, trundle over to my bed, leap up with kitten clamped between their teeth, deposit in the warm covers and go back for another. I loved it!
what a beautiful picture and what beautiful memories :-) ahhhh, a fine post for this here day!
Love the picture. We once had a cat who would lie in the sun on the deck and let the birds hop over and on him. Maybe the are not birders if they are not hungry??
That photograph is fantastic!
I love old photos. So nostalgic and interesting to look at:)
What a great photo...what is little kitty thinking??? My human mom just spent hours uploading to Shutterstock & IStock!!! Thanks.
Tail Wags and happy "shooting"
What a good cat!! It's a miracle that bird was still alive!
Love this photo. And love siamese..we had a beautiful half siamese (sure I'm spelling that wrong) with blue eyes and white pawas, she was terrific, still miss her.
Wonderful picture! Animals are so amazing, doing the unexpected.
I still miss the dog I grew up with, a beagle named Blaze. Our animals are such a big part of our lives.
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