Ahh, to sit and just be..........a wee reminder of summer.
This was taken at Scott Manor House in Bedford near Halifax, a lovely small heritage property tucked away off a busy commercial area. It is situated on one of the oldest traveling routes in Canada. The Acadians used to herd their oxen past here from the Wolfville area to the head of Bedford Basin to load onto ships headed for Louisburg. The Micmacs used it for centuries before that. It was the main route from Bedford west to the Bay of Fundy.
I've been given a wee nod by Anne at NovaScotiaIsland I think you will enjoy her blog. She and her husband live in the lighthouse keeper's home on a remote island off the south shore called Roseway Island. Click back to some of the earlier entries. so interesting. They are off island until February.
I am missing green, too. Actually, I'd be okay - if it were just blue skies!!!
Beautiful photo. I am missing green too! I'm ready to go back to California and I've only been back a little over two weeks!
I have spring fever and spring is a long way off here in Illinois. The picture is beautiful!
You live in a beautiful province. This photograph has me daydreaming for summer...ahhh! And thank you for the link to Anne's blog...I'm off for a visit. Hope you are having a good weekend.
Nova Scotia - what a beautiful place to live. Visited there when I was a child and the beauty has always stayed with me.
I love this picture. I've been meaning to visit Scott Manor House, and this is just making me want to more.
Thanks for the blog recommendation. I'm always looking for Nova Scotian/Canadian blogs to read.
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