This big spoon came from the set of the movie,The Shipping News that starred Kevin Spacey. At the end of a production sometimes there is an auction of props and things. A friend of mine who worked as the food stylist on that show picked up some spoons. I had helped her create a "squid" burger for one of the scenes. lol. We tried to make it look great with bits of dulse hanging out and deep fried breaded fried tentacles but Kevin refused to even try it. The rest of the crew and director did and pronounced them delicious! His was eventually made with chicken. All this for a ten second shot:)
I uploaded this shot to Shutterstock on the weekend. It was was accepted and already has a download:) I have not been very consistent at all with my microstock stuff and plan to try to get a few uploaded each week. It is another way to make some extra dollars and fun too. With a bit of work, you could do quite well! I wrote about microstock a while ago. There was some controversy recently about microstock taking money from professional photographers. The shot that triggered the discussion was just a jar of coins used by Time magazine for their cover. Ironically the issue was about tightening the belt. Personally, I think why spend "big" money on a shot of a jar, a classic "stock" picture. Spend the"big"money on shots that require imagination and presence.
If you take a look around some of the microstock companies, there are AMAZING images to be found now. The advent of digital cameras has made photography accessible to so many more people and they are really pushing the boundaries of what can be done.
What a spectacular shadow the slotted spoon casts on the wooden spoon! And I just love The Shipping News. It's one of my favourite movies. I read Annie Proulx's book too. Lots of critics said Kevin Spacey was miscast because he wasn't hangdog enough, but I thought he was okay.
wonderful picture-and how fun that must of been be part of the shipping news-it is a favorite book of mine and the movie was fantastic as was kevin spacey
thank you for sharing this with us
enjoy your day
I love Kevin Spacey! Now I will have to see that movie. Great pic of the spoons. Thanks for sharing~
I loved that movie! Very cool that you have the spoon. I think you should take the spoon, the photo and a poster of the movie and get them all framed!
That is a really great shot...and glad it was accepted. Too funny about Spacey not eating the dish. I really like Kevin Spacey - he is one of my favorite actors.
May I just say, I am in awe of your amazing skills?
Wonderful light painting you have done.
Excellent photo & great info, I will use that to get my butt in gear and follow up on the many years of saying "we need to upload our photos" for online stock! The Shipping News is a favorite. Each time we watch it the many Newfoundland memories rush back into my mind.... ah.
Good luck on the terrific photo. I use IStock with some of my clients and it works well (if I cannot supply an original CabinPress Studio photo).
Tail Wags and happy shoveling.
~Moose looked at your portfolio and really liked the diversity (loved it).
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